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Understanding Jihad in Islam 1 - islamic information

Understanding Jihad in Islam 1

Prof. Dr. Ahmad Tayyeb
Grand Shaikh of Al-Azhar

Jihad has a great virtue in Islam and covers all lines of life. Regarding the definition of jihad in Islam, there are many differences of opinion.

This paper will explore the notion of jihad, explained the difference between murder and warfare and law both. Then, if jihad is fard 'ain or kifayah? When will become mandatory for the Muslims? Whether jihad is prescribed to defend themselves, or should strike first? The causes of what makes war against the non-Muslims to be something that was ordered? Is it because the cause of hostility, or about infidelity, the rejection of Islam? This article will explain the difference between jihad, war, and some things related to jihad.

Understanding Jihad in Islam 1 - islamic information

Definition of Jihad
Jihad literally means exerting every effort and ability, either word or deed.

Definition of jihad is the most comprehensive law expressed by Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, "Jihad is exerting every effort to achieve the desired truth." Elsewhere, he said,

"The essence of jihad is the earnest effort to achieve things that are blessed by God as faith and good deeds, as well as to reject the things he hates such as infidelity, wickedness, and disobedience."

The definition includes all types of jihad do a Muslim. Includes endeavors in obeying God, by carrying out His commands and avoid His prohibitions. As well as his efforts in getting other people - Muslims or infidels - to obey God, his efforts in the fight against the infidels to elevate the word of Allah, and so on.
An attempt is said to be jihad if eligible, are carried out 'in the way of Allah'. Therefore, all the efforts are not in the path of Allah Ta'ala, then it can not be said to be a jihad.

The virtue of Jihad in the Way of Allah
There are plenty of arguments to explain the virtues of jihad in Allah's way, including;

1) Jihad in Allah's way is a profitable business.
إن الله اشترى من المؤمنين أنفسهم وأموالهم بأن لهم الجنة يقاتلون في سبيل الله فيقتلون ويقتلون وعدا عليه حقا في التوراة والإنجيل والقرآن ومن أوفى بعهده من الله فاستبشروا ببيعكم الذيبايعتم به وذلك هو الفوز العظيم} [التوبة: 111].
"Allah has (pledged to) purchase of the believers, their lives and property by (bestowed) heaven for them. They fight in the cause of Allah. They kill and be killed. (It has been) a promise upon him (so) be true promises, (written) in the Torah, the Gospel, and the Qur'an. Who is better than Allah keep their promises ?? Then rejoice in the bargain which you have done it! That was a great victory. "(QS. At-Tawbah: 111)

2) The amount of the reward of those who survive and guard in the border region, to block enemy attacks. Narrated from Salman, the Prophet. said,
رباط يوم وليلة خير من صيام شهر وقيامه, وإن مات جرى عليه عمله الذي كان يعمله, وأجري عليه رزقه, وأمن الفتان.
 "Watching in the border area day and night, better than Qiyamul Lail and fasting for a month. If he's dead (in such conditions), the charitable reward and sustenance will be supplied to him. And he awoke from slander (riot). "

3) The virtue guard (from enemy) in the way of Allah.
عن أبي ريحانة قال: سمعت رسول الله يقول: «حرمت النار على عين دمعت أو بكت من خشية الله, وحرمت النار على عين سهرت في سبيل الله.
It was narrated from Abu Raihanah: I heard the Messenger of Allah said, "The fire of hell will not touch eyes or cry tears of fear of God, and the eyes are awake (stay up) in the way of Allah."
عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما قال: سمعت رسول الله يقول: عينان لا تمسهما النار: عين بكت من خشية الله, وعين باتت تحرس في سبيل الله.
It was narrated from Ibn Abbas, he said: I heard the Messenger of Allah said, "Two eyes will not touch the fire of hell: the eyes are crying for fear of Allah, and are maintained in the way of Allah."

4) The virtues of jihad is unmatched.
عن أبي هريرة قال: جاء رجل إلى رسول الله فقال: دلني على عمل يعدل الجهاد? قال: «لا أجده», قال: هل تستطيع إذا خرج المجاهد أن تدخل مسجدك فتقوم ولا تفتر, وتصوم ولا تفطر? »قال: ومن يستطيع ذلك?
It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah, that someone came to the Prophet. and asks, "Show me practice equivalent to jihad!" He replied, "No. When a mujahid out (to fight), could offer continuous prayer, continuous fasting? Who would do that? "

Levels of Jihad
Jihad has four levels: jihad against lust (self), jihad confronted the demon, jihad against the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and jihad to eradicate tyranny, heresy, and munkar.

The first level: Jihad against lust
Jihad against the passions has four levels:
1- Jihad against the desire to study religious sciences.
2- Jihad against the desire to practice what they have learned.
3- Jihad against lust pinning knowledge with full wisdom and teach it to people who do not know.
4- Jihad against the desire to remain patient in the heavy task of preaching to God and the patience of the interference of others. And face it solely because of Allah.

The second level: Jihad against the demons
Jihad against Satan has two levels:
1- Jihad against doubtful and doubt that endanger the faith that is exhaled by the devil.
2- Jihad against lust and bad desires prompted by the devil.
Jihad is first performed after the solid conviction, while the second jihad carried out after the patience. Allah SWT. Says, "And we have made among them (Children of Israel) examples that give instructions (to the community based) command us, (and we make them so) when (ie because) they were patient. Since once they are convinced by the verses we have. "(QS. As-Sajdah: 24)
And the devil is the most evil enemy. Allah SWT. said, "Satan is your enemy. So make him an enemy! He only invites his party that they became residents of a fiery hell. "(Qur'an, Fatir: 6)
The third level: Jihad against the infidels and hypocrites.
This jihad has four levels: the liver, oral, property, and hand (force). Jihad against the infidels more hand and jihad against hypocrites more use oral.
Fourth level: Jihad eradicate injustice, injustice, heresy, and munkar.

Jihad has three levels:
1- Jihad by hand (strength), if a mujahid has the ability to do so.
2- If you are not able to with his hands, then jihad is done by word of mouth.
3- If you still feel inadequate, then simply jihad with the heart (to deny).

It was narrated from Abu Sa'eed, the Prophet said,

من رأى منكم منكرا فليغيره بيده, فإن لم يستطع فبلسانه, فإن لم يستطع فبقلبه; وذلك أضعف الإيمان.

 "Who among you who saw kemungkaran, then forbid by hand (force). If you can not, stop the verbal. If you still can not, then just by heart. The latter is the least of weak faith. "

That's thirteen levels of jihad. The most perfect person in the sight of God is capable of doing all levels of the jihad. Humans vary in rank in the sight of God according to their levels of jihad.

Jihad in the Quran and Hadith
The word jihad with various derivations repeated thirty-one times in the Koran. While the words harb (war), only repeated four times. And if we look, the meaning of jihad in the Koran and Hadith broader and more general than just the war. If war means "face to face with armed", then jihad means "exerting every effort to confront the enemy of" good is the enemy of the human being wrongfully nor a devil, a believer is obliged to deal with it. Even if the enemy is himself, who thinks bad deeds into good looks.
As the diversity of definitions of jihad, for different way. There is jihad with soul, property, speech - in the sense of the argument - or the Koran. All of it in the context of explaining Islam and mendakwahkannya to the public. All types and meanings of jihad above, is mentioned in the Qur'an and Sunnah.

Of the meaning of it, one of which is contained in the Koran is Allah's order. the Prophet., "Thou shalt, O Muhammad, to follow (lust) unbelievers. Strive to face them with the Koran, with a great endeavor. "(Qur'an, Al-Furqan: 52)
Even the Prophet. termed jihad face passions and demons with the greatest jihad, as a comparison with the small jihad, that is jihad in the battlefield. Among the hadith that explains it is the Prophet.,

أفضل الجهاد أن يجاهد الرجل نفسه وهواه.
"Jihad is the main thing is jihad against lust."
المجاهد من جاهد نفسه.
"Mujahid are those who strive against himself."
جاهدوا أهواءكم كما تجاهدون أعداءكم.
"Strive against the desires of you as you face the enemy."

We must know that the jihad to life or property (such as a war or join the military for example) required - in the Koran - to be in the way of Allah, and with the aim to elevate the word of Allah.
Among the things that should be followed in order for us to remain within the rules of Islam, jihad is always associate with the ideals of humanity. One thing to note, that the philosophy of jihad in Islam is not for expansion, colonization, holding the natural wealth of others, oppress and humiliate other nations, or other materialistic goal lead to war in the great civilizations of ancient times until now.
And the word 'jihad', although it contains many possible meanings other than war - as above, but the meaning of war is the most famous and widely used.

Jihad and War
Jihad is not a war that makes all things become factors and objectives. However, jihad is limited to the war in the way of Allah. If the aim of the war was out of this corridor, it is no longer called jihad, but the vile acts, which was rejected by the law and the rules of Islam.

From here, we can define that jihad is,

"The war in Allah's way either participate directly in the military ranks, material assistance, opinions and strategies, medical care, as well as any sacrifice that aims to defend the faith and the homeland."

However, we must distinguish between the two terms that can be mixed and cause a negative understanding in interpreting jihad in the context of the war in the way of Allah. The two terms are al-qatl (murder) and al-qital (war). The differences are both very much. Murder meaningful attempt to kill others with the weapons. This necessitates a killer on the one hand, and killed (the victim) on the other. Unlike the wars that necessitates two parties attacking each other. Each seeking to resist efforts murder of the opposition. Meaning that there is the term "jihad", is the second meaning (of war), not the first meaning, namely murder.

The final conclusion from this analysis is that commands jihad in Islam, not the kill command, but the command to war. Namely, an attempt to defend themselves from enemy attack, to resist and stop the attacks.

Jihad with such meaning exists only in terms of classical Islam, which is now known as the Ministry of Defence, which was previously called the Ministry of the Armed Forces or the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces.

Similar institutions are colonial departments in western countries. All the names were impressive aroma of fear, hatred, and enmity. Even so, nobody who urged their rights in a country that although there is Ministry Pertahanan- as we know about the unfounded criticism or demands expressed by the media Angelo, USA, related jihad in Islam.

We can say, that the meaning of jihad is more noble and broader scope than the Ministry of Armed Forces, for example. Because, war - in Islamic Law - could significantly expand and defend themselves. In contrast to the jihad - for those who understand Arabic - which only has meaning war as self-defense.

So, jihad - the meaning of which confounded by the West, nothing more is jihad to defend the soul, faith and homeland. And I'm not sure anyone understands that oppose common sense truth received this, or incited by confusion-confusion and falsehood. Except among them are those neo-sophisme, who always doubted irrefutable truths and accepted common sense.
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