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prohibition Characteristically Arrogant in the Quran

Arrogant or the Arabic term al-Bathar, oral dictionary Al-Arab is mentioned that the meaning of the word is bathar synonymous with arrogant  which means arrogant. Prophet Muhammad in the hadith explains the definition of arrogant:
prohibition Characteristically Arrogant  in the Quran

الكبر بطر الحق وغمط الناس
Arrogant is not accepting the truth and insulting fellow human beings. [1]

According to Raghib Al Asfahani He said, "Arrogant is the state of a person who feels proud of himself. Sees himself bigger than the others, the most severe Pride is arrogant to his Lord with truth and arrogantly refused to submit to Him either ketaatanataupun His Oneness ". [2]

In the book Ihya 'al-Ghazali Ulumuddin nendefinisikan arrogant is a trait present in the soul that grew from the vision of lust and looked in the act of birth. [3]

Universally, then, can be understood to act arrogant boast himself, considers himself more than anyone else. act arrogant divided several levels:
Insolence towards Allah, that is by the way not subject to his orders, reluctant to run the command
Arrogant to the apostles, is the act reluctantly obeying what he taught and considered the same as the Prophet himself just an ordinary person.

Arrogant towards fellow human beings and the servant of his creation, which considers himself more than others and God's other creatures in other words insulting others or other of God's creation. [4]
The verses of the Qur'an About Snob
Q.S Al-Isra ': 37
ولا تمش في الأرض مرحا إنك لن تخرق الأرض ولن تبلغ الجبال طولا (37)
and do not walk on this earth with arrogant, because Verily thou can not penetrate the earth and occasionally you will not be as high as a mountain.

مرحا: vanity and conceit. Tafsir Al-Qurtubi sense of excitement that is very, arrogant in walking.
لن تخرق الأرض: you will not be able to make way on earth with great pijakanmu and your trail. [5]

Tafsir paragraph
In this verse Allah forbid servants walk with supercilious and arrogant attitude in the face of the earth. The second cause of this attitude is included praise ourselves that are not favored by God and others.

Almaraghi in his commentary explains this verse that, a man should not walk with a cocky attitude, wobbling like the way the arrogant king. Because the earth underneath there will not be able to penetrate the human stamped his foot hard and grind against him. being on top of the mountain there is a man who would not be able to reach, or equal to the height of arrogance.

In Tafsir al-Qurtubi match the intent of the mountain was a man with his ability he will not be able to reach such a size. Because man is a very lowly servant bounded from below and above. Being something that was confined and restricted weak. And what is meant by the earth, are you through it and not take away. [6] So the man surrounded by two inanimate object that you are weak from both. So for those who are weak and limited, improper for him to be arrogant.

Therefore besikap tawadhulah, do not be arrogant / cocky, because you have only a weak creature, confined anatra rocks and soil, therefore, do not be such a powerful creature and versatile. This verse is a rebuke, ridicule and prevention for people who are being arrogant. [7]
US-Sajda: 15
إنما يؤمن بآياتنا الذين إذا ذكروا بها خروا سجدا وسبحوا بحمد ربهم وهم لا يستكبرون (15)
Indeed, people who really believe in the verses we are those who, when reminded of the verses that they immediately prostrated while exalt and praise his Lord, and besides they are not arrogant.

: ذكروا advised by the verses of Allah
خروا: they fall (fall down)
وسبحوا بحمد ربهم: they purify from siafat are not worthy of the greatness and glory

Tafsir paragraph
According to Quraish Shihab in this verse Allah describes the characteristics of the believers that if they were warned by the verses of Allah they immediately fall down and prostrate and hymn praising his Lord, and they are not arrogant. And this verse also describes two properties of the believers who stand first, knowledge and increase their faith every hear the verses of Allah, and the humility that is reflected by the rosary and tahmid and described with the phrase "they are not arrogant. [8]
In Tafsir al-Qurtubi is not bragging here, according to Yahya Bin Sallam is, do not boast against God by not conducting worship or orders. And according to An-Naqqasy not brag like Mecca residents are reluctant to bow to God. [9]

AZ-Zumar: 60
ويوم القيامة ترى الذين كذبوا على الله وجوههم مسودة أليس في جهنم مثوى للمتكبرين (60)
60. and on the Day of Resurrection you will see those who lied against Allah, his face becomes black. Hell Is not in it there is a place for people who brag?

Tafsir mufradat
وجوههم مسودة: their faces blackened by her apparent influences shame and remorse
مثوى: shelter

Tafsir paragraph
In this verse Al Maraghi explains that God showed the Apostle SAW on the Day of Resurrection, the faces of those who lied against Allah, those who mengagaap that God had a son, and that God has allies, they do arrogant and worshiped sesembahan- god other than Allah, his face black, because overwhelmed with sadness and heartache that hang and kemuaraman they experienced. they returned to prison, where they will get the humiliation and lowliness due to their reluctance to obey the truth.
Thus the discussion somobong along with some verses that have been mentioned above. I hope that this little can provide benefits.

[1] Maktabah syamilah, Hr. Muslim, no. 131
[2] Fath Bari '10 601 things.
[3] Imam al-Ghazali, Ihya Pearls' Ulumuddin (Bandung: mizan, 1997) Hlm 293.
[4]. Rosihan Anwar, tassawuf Morals (New York: Library of Truth, 2010) Hlm 131
[5] Ahmad Mustafa al-Maraghi, translation of Tafsir al-Maraghi (Semarang: CV. Toha Putra, 1993) p. 84-85.
[6] imam Sheikh Al-Qurtubi, Tafsir al-Qurtubi, vol 10 (Jakarta: library Azzam, 2008) p. 647.
[7] Ahmad Mustafa al-Maraghi, translation of Tafsir al-Maraghi (Semarang: CV. Toha Putra, 1993) p. 84-85.
[8] Muhammad Quraish Shihab, Tafsir al-misbah: message and harmony Qur'an, volume 11 (Jakarta: lantera liver, 2005) p. 194.
[9] Tafsir Al-Qurtubi Volume 14, pp 239.
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