Hadith About Health Islamic information
Religion and the teachings of Islam put a very high attention to cleanliness, both physical and batiniyah outward psychic. Health lahiriyah it can not be separated with cleanliness batiniyah. Therefore, when a Muslim must perform certain religious purge lahiriyahnya first aspect. Islamic teachings that have aspects of faith, worship, muamalah, and morality has nothing to do with all this cleanliness. It is contained in ordinances of worship as a whole. People who want to pray for example, are required to clean the physical and psikhisnya. Physically, the body, clothing, and a place of prayer must be clean, even holy. In psikhis or creed should be sacred also of shirk. Humans must be pure of fahsya and munkarat.
A. Hadith about cleanliness
عن سعدبن ابى وقاص عن ابيه عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ان الله طيب يحب الطيب نظيف يحب النظافة كريم يحب الكرم جواديحب الجوادفنظفواافنيتكم
”An sa’dibni abi waqqasin ’an abihi ’aninnabiyyi sallallahu ’alaihi wasallama innallaha tayyibun yuhibbuttayyiba nadifun yuhibbunnadifa karimun yuhibbulkarama jawadun yuhibbuljawada fanaddifu afnaitakum”. (HR. At- Turmudi)
It means: "Allah Ta'ala is good (and) love kindness, clean (and) liked the cleanliness, the noble (and) liked the glory, great (and) like splendor. Therefore, clean up your environment ". (HR. At- Turmudzi)
الاسلام نظيف فتنظفوافانه لايدخل الجنة الا نظيف
”Al- islamu nadifun fatanaddafu fainnahu la yadkhululjannata illa nadifun”. (HR. Baihaqiy)
Meaning: "Islam is a religion that is clean or holy, so be ye keep clean. There shall not enter Paradise except those holy ". (HR. Baihaqiy)
B. Content The content of the hadith
That Allah is a substance that is good, clean, noble, and good. Because Allah likes such things. As Muslims, then you must have properties as well, especially in terms of environmental cleanliness residence.
Islam is a religion that is straight and clean from teaching error. Thus Moslems must have a pattern of behavior that is clean and pure heart of the matter lust. For someone who is so promised by Allah will enter Paradise.
C. Other Hadith Regarding Health
ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: بينمارجل يمشى بطريق وجد غصن شوك فأخذه فشكرالله له فغفرله
”Anna rasulallahi sallallahu ’alaihi wasallama qala bainama rajulun yamsyi bitariqin wajada gusna syaukin fa akhadahu fasyakarallahu lahu fagafaralahu”. (HR. Bukhari)
Meaning: "Bahwsanya Messenger of Allah said," When a man was walking in the street, he found the thorny branches, so he took it (due to bother him). Then Allah thanked him and forgave his sins ". (HR. Bukhari)
عن ابى مالك الحارث بن عاصم الاشعري قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: الطهور شطرالايمان والحمدلله تملاء الميزان وسبحان الله والحمد لله تملان او تملاء مابين السماء والارض والصلاة نوروالصدقةبرهان والصبرضياءوالقرأن حجة لك هو عليك ال الناس يغدو فبائع نفسه فمعتقهااوموبقها رواه مسلم
“An abi malikilharisibni ‘asimil asy’ariyyi qala qala rasulullahi sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam attahuru syatrulimani walhamdulillahi tamla almizani wasubhanalli walhamdulillahi tamla ani au tamla a ma bainassamai walardi wassalatu nurun wassadaqatu burhanun wassabru diyaun walqur’anu hujjatun laka huwa ‘alaika alunnasi yagdu fabaiu nafsihi famu’tiquha au mubiquha”. (HR. Muslim)
Meaning: From Abu Malik al-Haris ibn `Asim al-Asya'arie ra he said: Messenger of Allah has said: Cleanliness was a part of the faith. Speech dhikr al Hamdulillah meet balance the scales. Speech remembrance SubhaanAllah and Al Hamdulillah both filled the room between heaven and earth. Salat it is light. Alms it is the lamp. Patience was the light. Qur'an it is for you or argument upon argument. Every human being out of time in the morning, there were selling themselves, there are liberating themselves and others harm themselves. (HR. Muslim)
Religion and the teachings of Islam put a very high attention to cleanliness, both physical and batiniyah outward psychic. Health lahiriyah it can not be separated with cleanliness batiniyah. Therefore, when a Muslim must perform certain religious purge lahiriyahnya first aspect. Islamic teachings that have aspects of faith, worship, muamalah, and morality has nothing to do with all this cleanliness. It is contained in ordinances of worship as a whole. People who want to pray for example, are required to clean the physical and psikhisnya. Physically, the body, clothing, and a place of prayer must be clean, even holy. In psikhis or creed should be sacred also of shirk. Humans must be pure of fahsya and munkarat.
A. Hadith about cleanliness
عن سعدبن ابى وقاص عن ابيه عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ان الله طيب يحب الطيب نظيف يحب النظافة كريم يحب الكرم جواديحب الجوادفنظفواافنيتكم
”An sa’dibni abi waqqasin ’an abihi ’aninnabiyyi sallallahu ’alaihi wasallama innallaha tayyibun yuhibbuttayyiba nadifun yuhibbunnadifa karimun yuhibbulkarama jawadun yuhibbuljawada fanaddifu afnaitakum”. (HR. At- Turmudi)
It means: "Allah Ta'ala is good (and) love kindness, clean (and) liked the cleanliness, the noble (and) liked the glory, great (and) like splendor. Therefore, clean up your environment ". (HR. At- Turmudzi)
الاسلام نظيف فتنظفوافانه لايدخل الجنة الا نظيف
”Al- islamu nadifun fatanaddafu fainnahu la yadkhululjannata illa nadifun”. (HR. Baihaqiy)
Meaning: "Islam is a religion that is clean or holy, so be ye keep clean. There shall not enter Paradise except those holy ". (HR. Baihaqiy)
B. Content The content of the hadith
That Allah is a substance that is good, clean, noble, and good. Because Allah likes such things. As Muslims, then you must have properties as well, especially in terms of environmental cleanliness residence.
Islam is a religion that is straight and clean from teaching error. Thus Moslems must have a pattern of behavior that is clean and pure heart of the matter lust. For someone who is so promised by Allah will enter Paradise.
C. Other Hadith Regarding Health
ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: بينمارجل يمشى بطريق وجد غصن شوك فأخذه فشكرالله له فغفرله
”Anna rasulallahi sallallahu ’alaihi wasallama qala bainama rajulun yamsyi bitariqin wajada gusna syaukin fa akhadahu fasyakarallahu lahu fagafaralahu”. (HR. Bukhari)
Meaning: "Bahwsanya Messenger of Allah said," When a man was walking in the street, he found the thorny branches, so he took it (due to bother him). Then Allah thanked him and forgave his sins ". (HR. Bukhari)
عن ابى مالك الحارث بن عاصم الاشعري قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: الطهور شطرالايمان والحمدلله تملاء الميزان وسبحان الله والحمد لله تملان او تملاء مابين السماء والارض والصلاة نوروالصدقةبرهان والصبرضياءوالقرأن حجة لك هو عليك ال الناس يغدو فبائع نفسه فمعتقهااوموبقها رواه مسلم
“An abi malikilharisibni ‘asimil asy’ariyyi qala qala rasulullahi sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam attahuru syatrulimani walhamdulillahi tamla almizani wasubhanalli walhamdulillahi tamla ani au tamla a ma bainassamai walardi wassalatu nurun wassadaqatu burhanun wassabru diyaun walqur’anu hujjatun laka huwa ‘alaika alunnasi yagdu fabaiu nafsihi famu’tiquha au mubiquha”. (HR. Muslim)
Meaning: From Abu Malik al-Haris ibn `Asim al-Asya'arie ra he said: Messenger of Allah has said: Cleanliness was a part of the faith. Speech dhikr al Hamdulillah meet balance the scales. Speech remembrance SubhaanAllah and Al Hamdulillah both filled the room between heaven and earth. Salat it is light. Alms it is the lamp. Patience was the light. Qur'an it is for you or argument upon argument. Every human being out of time in the morning, there were selling themselves, there are liberating themselves and others harm themselves. (HR. Muslim)
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2 komentar
This can include working out, along with circuit and free weights that help convert fat into lean muscle. about health
Balastrue thanks for coming :)