Privileged Shawwal
There are a lot of glory and privilege of Shawwal, namely:
Month Return to fitrah: the month of Shawwal is the return of Muslims to their nature, are forgiven all his sins, after a month-long Ramadan worship. At the very least, the 1st of Shawwal Muslims "back breakfast" and forbidden to fast on that day. The arrival of the month of Shawwal bring victory for those who managed to fasting during Ramadan, he is a symbol of the victory of Muslims outcome of the battle against the biggest enemy in life, namely lust.
Month Takbir: 1st Shawwal is Eid al-Fitr, all Muslims in various parts of the world echoes Takbir. So, too, is the month of Shawwal dikumandangkannya takbir by all Muslims simultaneously, at least for one night, which is so late into the night the 1st of Shawwal takbir up towards the Eid prayer. Repercussion Takbir is an expression of gratitude for the success in implementing the month-long Ramadan worship. The victory will not be achieved, except with His help. Then Muslims also multiply dhikr, takbir, tahmid, and beads. "And that ye may magnify God above anything that had he gave instructions to you, and that ye may give thanks for blessings that have been given" (QS. Al-Baqarah: 185).
Gathering month: Compared to other months, this month the Muslims are very much doing amaliah friendship, began going home to my hometown, to each other's virtual ber- with friends or neighbors, halal bi halal. How Shawwal moon became full blessing, mercy, and forgiveness of God because the Muslims strengthen ties and ukhuwah Islamiyah.
Fasting One Year: Amaliah specified Prophet. in the month of Shawwal is sunnah fasting for six days, as a continuation of Ramadan fasting. "Whoever fasted during Ramadan last diiringinya with fasting six days of Shawwal, then he had fasted a whole year" (HR. Muslim, Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah). In another hadith mentioned "Allah has doubled every kindness with tenfold. Fasting in Ramadan is equivalent to fasting ten months, and fasting six days of Shawwal is menggenapkannya one year." (HR. An-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah).
Month Marriage: Shawwal is a good month to get married. This also break the superstition, the thought of ignorance and tradition do not want to do the wedding in the month of Shawwal for fear of catastrophe. Culture of ignorance that arises due to a year, precisely month of Shawwal, Allah lowers the plague, so many people died, including some of the bridal couple. So since that's the ignorance does not want to get married in the month of Shawwal. Superstition was broken into by Islam. The Prophet showed himself that Shawwal good to marry. Siti Aisyah asserted: "Messenger of Allah married me in the month of Shawwal, assembled (foster home) with me in the month of Shawwal, it is his wife who is from the more fortunate than I am?". In addition to Siti Aishah, the Prophet. also married Umm Salama in the month of Shawwal. According to Imam An-Nawawi, the hadith contains recommendation married in the month of Shawwal. Aisha intend, with these words, to reject the tradition of ignorance and their assumption that married in the month of Shawwal was not good.
Month increase: This is the privilege of the most important month of Shawwal. Shawwal is the month to improve the quality and quantity of worship. Said Shawwal, it harfiyah, meaning "increase", ie an increase of worship as a result of exercise during Ramadan. Muslims are expected to increase good deeds in this month, instead of declining or returning to the "character" was originally far from Islam. Na'udzubillah.
Month proving piety: This is the meaning of the most important month of Shawwal. After Ramadan passed, the month of Shawwal is proving the success or failure of Ramadan worship, especially fasting, which aims to achieve the degree of piety. If that goal is achieved, is certainly a Muslim would be a better life, more virtuous deeds, more generous, more beneficial to sesa¬ma, more humility 'worship, and so on. At the very least, the spirit of worship and preaching was not decreased after Ramadan.
Verses and Hadith - Hadith primacy of Hari Raya Idul Fitri / 'Eid al-Adha
1. Quran menerusi verse 185 of surah al-Baqarah is intended to:
"And be ye replenish numbers (the last day of Ramadan 30 days) and you glorify God (bertakbir highway) upon his instructions given to you so that you may become people who are grateful."
2. Imam Tabarani r.a. which is intended to:
"Those who live the night Hari Raya Aidil Fitri and Hari Raya Aidil Adha night with deeds was he expecting a lull God solely his heart will not die like the hearts of the unbelievers."
3. Instead of Umamah r.a. bahawasanya Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. has said goods who does acts of worship on the eve of Hari Raya Aidilfitri to expect a lull God solely his heart will not die on the last day as the death of the hearts of those who disbelieve reneges on the Day of Judgement.
4. Imam Tabarani r.a. which is intended to:
"Those who live the night Hari Raya Aidil Fitri and Hari Raya Aidil Adha night with deeds was he expecting a lull God solely his heart will not die like the hearts of the unbelievers.
5. In another hadith the Prophet s.a.w. Anas said than r.a. meaning:
Adorn both the Hari Raya your namely fasting and Hari Raya Hari Raya victim with Takbir, Tahmid and Taqdis.
6. "Meaning: From Abu Hurairah, indeed the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has said. Shaum / fast it was on the day you fast, and it was on the day of Fitr YOU breaking. And it was on the day of al-Adha you slaughter animals ".
Saheeh. Issued by Priests: Tirmidhi No. 693, Abu Dawud No. 2324, Ibn Majah No. 1660, Ad-Daruquthni way of Abi Hurarirah sanadnya as I have explained in my book "Riyadlul Jannah" No. 721. And this lafadz of Imam Tirmidhi history.
7. And in one lafadz Imam Daruquthni:
"It means: Fasting on the day you are you fast, and you Fitr is the day when you break the fast".
8. And in lafadz Imam Ibn Majah:
"Meaning: Fithri it was on the day when you break the fast, and Adha on the day you slaughter animals".
9. And in lafadz Imam Abu Dawud:
"It means: And ye Fitr is the day that you break the fast, while Adha is the day you slaughter animals".
Definition of 'Eid ..
five 'Id (Not Aid) is intending Arabic sentence or birthday celebrations. Mubarak also means breaking or eating and drinking. That is, on the Feast (1st of Shawwal) Iislam desired beings and illicit breaking fast.
Mubarak also intends character semual so. That is the Muslims after fasting for a month along with other acts of worship such as praying Tarawih at nights Ramdhan, bertadarus Koran, Quyamullai, Zikrullah and prayer, charity and so on. Deeds have been merged and cleanse all sins so to themselves as if back as newborns.
With this answer we can draw conclusions THAT 'Idil Fitri is a day of victory for Muslims who have triumphed subdue appetite ammara during Ramadan. If the child appears not Shawwal, that they have been cleaner than sin and they septutnya really become the righteous. Here matlamat fasting as Allah swt menerusi paragraph 183 is intended to:
"O you who believe, fasting required upon you as it was prescribed for peoples passed away before you with the fast ye may ward off."
Charging Program 'Idil Fitri
'Idil Fitri let greeted with events that advocated by al-Quran and al-Sunnah, that is, there are three cases as follows:
1) Speech reproduce Takbir
God's Word s.w.t. which intends: "And complete the offer by the number of fasting in the month of Ramadan (29 days atau30 days) and bertakbirlah (raising Allah) upon his instructions given to you, you may be grateful." (Surah al-Baqarah: 185)
Word Rasullullah s.a.w. well-intentioned: "adorn you with Takbir Hari Raya and rahmud."
2) division of the Takbir
Takbeer Mursal: sunnat same dilafazkan there by people who live mahupun traveler, dimasjid or street by sitting or standing, market-market, home-residence and so on. Starting time than the setting of the sun akhit Ramadan and Hari Raya quest all night to pray 'Id set for tomorrow. Likewise for Takbir 'Id al-Adhan (the Feast of Sacrifice) sunnat dilafazkan throughout the night until the next day when prayers' Id al-Adhha established.
Muqaiyad Takbeer: Takbeer that is tied to times of prayer. Clearly he sunnat dilafazkan on after each prayer. The time begins after dawn the day of Arafah (9th day Zulhijjah) and ends after prayer 'Asr on 13 Zulhijjah.
3) accomplishing Zakat fitrah
Although allowed payment since the beginning of Ramadan, which afdal is in the morning after the feast of the dawn prayer before the prayer 'Id is established. This is done according to the law of origin at the time of the Holy Rasullullah life and the friends and tabi'in ago.
Zakat fitrah at the beginning of the last rank in the form of basic foods and continue to be delivered to the poor. So, in times when they wanted to greet 'Idil Fitri, a glorious day filled with blessings, how happy they got the food habuan.
Ibn Abbas r.a. said that intends to: "The Messenger s.a.w. Zakat memfardhukan Tifrah as cleaning disability because the act of fasting in vain and mencarut, besides it being habuan for poor people. "
In the history of others also, Rasullullah s.a.w. berdabda intentioned: "Anybody who fulfilled before prayer 'Id, then zakat was acceptable, but the pay after the prayer' Id, he became ordinary charity." (Reported by Abu Dawud, Ibn Majjah and authenticated by al-Hakim)
Now in our country, Zakat fitrah is given in the form of money ringgit instead of rice. The poor have received habuan before Hari Raya by way of introduction given by the State Islamic Majlis-country. Thus, fair pay Zakat fitrah early or at night Hari Raya, to circumvent pick flurry amyl task. Blessing 'Eid other than required berfitrah, we Muslims are capable disunnatkan also gave alms-alms others by giving priority to the relatives we were hard, and then to the poor and orphans.
4) Attend Ceremony Solat 'Id
Sekelian Muslims and Muslimat, young and old, including women who are menstruating disunnatkan mengahdiri ceremony of the annual meetings for the local Islamic community. Kehaduiran them as live syi'ar Islamic grandeur and blend ummah, besides that they are likely to bertakbir (raising Allah) rollicking, hear the sermon 'Id is important, remembrance and mengaminkan prayer recited by the priest. For those who are not elderly likely establish prayer 'Id (Feast)
Instead of Umm 'Atuyah r.a. ujurnya: We were told to bring little girls and women who are menstruating at Hari Raya ('Idil Fitri and' Idil Adhha), so they watched the virtues and prayers of the Muslims but the women who are menstruating it apart from the prayers. "(Hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)
Need to be reminded, that the Feast of Fasting we disunnatkan handling food or juadah first, then go where prayer, but for the Hari Raya Haji circumcision did not eat beforehand, otherwise we hasten keupacara prayer meetings. Prayer 'Idil Adhha then hasten to slaughter sacrificial animals, and then we came back with a sacrificial meat, then cooked and eaten recently.
In the morning Hari Raya, we also disunnatkan bath and wear clothes that completely new or clean and beautiful. Then when went kemusollah (a prayer), went through one way and return through the other way, with the aim to meet more crowded companion friend and fellow Muslims. We both say Salam 'Idil Fitri while unrequited-back smile, equally expressed gratitude to the Divine Presence on His guidance and help so that we prevail subdue appetite throughout the month of Ramadan.
In the days of the Prophet's life s.a.w. first, prayer 'Id is held on the ground roomy mosques because at that time a mere small. Now the prayer 'Id is held dimasjid or disurau. Is very beautiful if it can be made khemah or distinctive space outside the mosque or the mosque to provide opportunities that aging women (menstruation) sitting on the ground so that they can equally enjoy syi'ar 'Idil Fitri or' Idil Addha.
5) Practice-practice By Hari Raya Fasting
Muslims encouraged people do I'tikaf rollicking dimasjid the last ten nights of Ramadaan (the night of the 21st until the evening 29th or 30th) because hope to meet LAILATIL night Qadr or the Night of Power that has more value better than 1000 months. This practice is done in the days of the life of Prophet Muhammad and the companions and the subsequent centuries, even up to now still do so splendid disesetengah Islamic countries, especially in the Haram (Makkah), but unfortunately in our country were mostly Muslims greet 'Idil Fitri more concentrated in the form of physical or outward, which sesetengahnya not in accordance with the spirit of Islamic teachings. Since the beginning of Ramadan again, they are more concentrated kepusat buy-sides, complete preparations buy clothing, home decoration and others again. When the feast was almost Indeed, most of suspended house more concentrated supply of cake-muih the various types.
Each individual Muslim and Muslimah shall assess all the activity that has been running for this, which sesetengahnya has become a 'culture' including shape welcome event 'Idil Fitri. The characteristics are taken from outside the Islamic cultural heritage or foreign, which is not in accordance with Islamic Shari'a let aqidah and abandoned. We must provide food, juadah and kuih0muih for Hari Raya but let in a simple form. Likewise, the home jewelry, clothing for themselves and children must necessarily correspond to the family economy. Events ziarah- old prang religious visit, Sandara-mara, the relatives, the people who contributed to us as teachers and sabahat companion is actually not limited to blessing Hari Raya sake only, but it needs to be done on another day and month corresponding to the during the during the , as the Prophet Rasullullah sawyang mean: "mara brother Ziarahilah you from time to time because it may add compassion." Moreover religious visit our parents, let do seem to be more often, and do not wait for Hari Raya sake only. The practice is also necessary apologized done immediately if we feel has made mistakes, and mistakes on others.
There are a lot of glory and privilege of Shawwal, namely:
Month Return to fitrah: the month of Shawwal is the return of Muslims to their nature, are forgiven all his sins, after a month-long Ramadan worship. At the very least, the 1st of Shawwal Muslims "back breakfast" and forbidden to fast on that day. The arrival of the month of Shawwal bring victory for those who managed to fasting during Ramadan, he is a symbol of the victory of Muslims outcome of the battle against the biggest enemy in life, namely lust.
Month Takbir: 1st Shawwal is Eid al-Fitr, all Muslims in various parts of the world echoes Takbir. So, too, is the month of Shawwal dikumandangkannya takbir by all Muslims simultaneously, at least for one night, which is so late into the night the 1st of Shawwal takbir up towards the Eid prayer. Repercussion Takbir is an expression of gratitude for the success in implementing the month-long Ramadan worship. The victory will not be achieved, except with His help. Then Muslims also multiply dhikr, takbir, tahmid, and beads. "And that ye may magnify God above anything that had he gave instructions to you, and that ye may give thanks for blessings that have been given" (QS. Al-Baqarah: 185).
Gathering month: Compared to other months, this month the Muslims are very much doing amaliah friendship, began going home to my hometown, to each other's virtual ber- with friends or neighbors, halal bi halal. How Shawwal moon became full blessing, mercy, and forgiveness of God because the Muslims strengthen ties and ukhuwah Islamiyah.
Fasting One Year: Amaliah specified Prophet. in the month of Shawwal is sunnah fasting for six days, as a continuation of Ramadan fasting. "Whoever fasted during Ramadan last diiringinya with fasting six days of Shawwal, then he had fasted a whole year" (HR. Muslim, Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah). In another hadith mentioned "Allah has doubled every kindness with tenfold. Fasting in Ramadan is equivalent to fasting ten months, and fasting six days of Shawwal is menggenapkannya one year." (HR. An-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah).
Month Marriage: Shawwal is a good month to get married. This also break the superstition, the thought of ignorance and tradition do not want to do the wedding in the month of Shawwal for fear of catastrophe. Culture of ignorance that arises due to a year, precisely month of Shawwal, Allah lowers the plague, so many people died, including some of the bridal couple. So since that's the ignorance does not want to get married in the month of Shawwal. Superstition was broken into by Islam. The Prophet showed himself that Shawwal good to marry. Siti Aisyah asserted: "Messenger of Allah married me in the month of Shawwal, assembled (foster home) with me in the month of Shawwal, it is his wife who is from the more fortunate than I am?". In addition to Siti Aishah, the Prophet. also married Umm Salama in the month of Shawwal. According to Imam An-Nawawi, the hadith contains recommendation married in the month of Shawwal. Aisha intend, with these words, to reject the tradition of ignorance and their assumption that married in the month of Shawwal was not good.
Month increase: This is the privilege of the most important month of Shawwal. Shawwal is the month to improve the quality and quantity of worship. Said Shawwal, it harfiyah, meaning "increase", ie an increase of worship as a result of exercise during Ramadan. Muslims are expected to increase good deeds in this month, instead of declining or returning to the "character" was originally far from Islam. Na'udzubillah.
Month proving piety: This is the meaning of the most important month of Shawwal. After Ramadan passed, the month of Shawwal is proving the success or failure of Ramadan worship, especially fasting, which aims to achieve the degree of piety. If that goal is achieved, is certainly a Muslim would be a better life, more virtuous deeds, more generous, more beneficial to sesa¬ma, more humility 'worship, and so on. At the very least, the spirit of worship and preaching was not decreased after Ramadan.
Verses and Hadith - Hadith primacy of Hari Raya Idul Fitri / 'Eid al-Adha
1. Quran menerusi verse 185 of surah al-Baqarah is intended to:
"And be ye replenish numbers (the last day of Ramadan 30 days) and you glorify God (bertakbir highway) upon his instructions given to you so that you may become people who are grateful."
2. Imam Tabarani r.a. which is intended to:
"Those who live the night Hari Raya Aidil Fitri and Hari Raya Aidil Adha night with deeds was he expecting a lull God solely his heart will not die like the hearts of the unbelievers."
3. Instead of Umamah r.a. bahawasanya Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. has said goods who does acts of worship on the eve of Hari Raya Aidilfitri to expect a lull God solely his heart will not die on the last day as the death of the hearts of those who disbelieve reneges on the Day of Judgement.
4. Imam Tabarani r.a. which is intended to:
"Those who live the night Hari Raya Aidil Fitri and Hari Raya Aidil Adha night with deeds was he expecting a lull God solely his heart will not die like the hearts of the unbelievers.
5. In another hadith the Prophet s.a.w. Anas said than r.a. meaning:
Adorn both the Hari Raya your namely fasting and Hari Raya Hari Raya victim with Takbir, Tahmid and Taqdis.
6. "Meaning: From Abu Hurairah, indeed the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has said. Shaum / fast it was on the day you fast, and it was on the day of Fitr YOU breaking. And it was on the day of al-Adha you slaughter animals ".
Saheeh. Issued by Priests: Tirmidhi No. 693, Abu Dawud No. 2324, Ibn Majah No. 1660, Ad-Daruquthni way of Abi Hurarirah sanadnya as I have explained in my book "Riyadlul Jannah" No. 721. And this lafadz of Imam Tirmidhi history.
7. And in one lafadz Imam Daruquthni:
"It means: Fasting on the day you are you fast, and you Fitr is the day when you break the fast".
8. And in lafadz Imam Ibn Majah:
"Meaning: Fithri it was on the day when you break the fast, and Adha on the day you slaughter animals".
9. And in lafadz Imam Abu Dawud:
"It means: And ye Fitr is the day that you break the fast, while Adha is the day you slaughter animals".
Definition of 'Eid ..
five 'Id (Not Aid) is intending Arabic sentence or birthday celebrations. Mubarak also means breaking or eating and drinking. That is, on the Feast (1st of Shawwal) Iislam desired beings and illicit breaking fast.
Mubarak also intends character semual so. That is the Muslims after fasting for a month along with other acts of worship such as praying Tarawih at nights Ramdhan, bertadarus Koran, Quyamullai, Zikrullah and prayer, charity and so on. Deeds have been merged and cleanse all sins so to themselves as if back as newborns.
With this answer we can draw conclusions THAT 'Idil Fitri is a day of victory for Muslims who have triumphed subdue appetite ammara during Ramadan. If the child appears not Shawwal, that they have been cleaner than sin and they septutnya really become the righteous. Here matlamat fasting as Allah swt menerusi paragraph 183 is intended to:
"O you who believe, fasting required upon you as it was prescribed for peoples passed away before you with the fast ye may ward off."
Charging Program 'Idil Fitri
'Idil Fitri let greeted with events that advocated by al-Quran and al-Sunnah, that is, there are three cases as follows:
1) Speech reproduce Takbir
God's Word s.w.t. which intends: "And complete the offer by the number of fasting in the month of Ramadan (29 days atau30 days) and bertakbirlah (raising Allah) upon his instructions given to you, you may be grateful." (Surah al-Baqarah: 185)
Word Rasullullah s.a.w. well-intentioned: "adorn you with Takbir Hari Raya and rahmud."
2) division of the Takbir
Takbeer Mursal: sunnat same dilafazkan there by people who live mahupun traveler, dimasjid or street by sitting or standing, market-market, home-residence and so on. Starting time than the setting of the sun akhit Ramadan and Hari Raya quest all night to pray 'Id set for tomorrow. Likewise for Takbir 'Id al-Adhan (the Feast of Sacrifice) sunnat dilafazkan throughout the night until the next day when prayers' Id al-Adhha established.
Muqaiyad Takbeer: Takbeer that is tied to times of prayer. Clearly he sunnat dilafazkan on after each prayer. The time begins after dawn the day of Arafah (9th day Zulhijjah) and ends after prayer 'Asr on 13 Zulhijjah.
3) accomplishing Zakat fitrah
Although allowed payment since the beginning of Ramadan, which afdal is in the morning after the feast of the dawn prayer before the prayer 'Id is established. This is done according to the law of origin at the time of the Holy Rasullullah life and the friends and tabi'in ago.
Zakat fitrah at the beginning of the last rank in the form of basic foods and continue to be delivered to the poor. So, in times when they wanted to greet 'Idil Fitri, a glorious day filled with blessings, how happy they got the food habuan.
Ibn Abbas r.a. said that intends to: "The Messenger s.a.w. Zakat memfardhukan Tifrah as cleaning disability because the act of fasting in vain and mencarut, besides it being habuan for poor people. "
In the history of others also, Rasullullah s.a.w. berdabda intentioned: "Anybody who fulfilled before prayer 'Id, then zakat was acceptable, but the pay after the prayer' Id, he became ordinary charity." (Reported by Abu Dawud, Ibn Majjah and authenticated by al-Hakim)
Now in our country, Zakat fitrah is given in the form of money ringgit instead of rice. The poor have received habuan before Hari Raya by way of introduction given by the State Islamic Majlis-country. Thus, fair pay Zakat fitrah early or at night Hari Raya, to circumvent pick flurry amyl task. Blessing 'Eid other than required berfitrah, we Muslims are capable disunnatkan also gave alms-alms others by giving priority to the relatives we were hard, and then to the poor and orphans.
4) Attend Ceremony Solat 'Id
Sekelian Muslims and Muslimat, young and old, including women who are menstruating disunnatkan mengahdiri ceremony of the annual meetings for the local Islamic community. Kehaduiran them as live syi'ar Islamic grandeur and blend ummah, besides that they are likely to bertakbir (raising Allah) rollicking, hear the sermon 'Id is important, remembrance and mengaminkan prayer recited by the priest. For those who are not elderly likely establish prayer 'Id (Feast)
Instead of Umm 'Atuyah r.a. ujurnya: We were told to bring little girls and women who are menstruating at Hari Raya ('Idil Fitri and' Idil Adhha), so they watched the virtues and prayers of the Muslims but the women who are menstruating it apart from the prayers. "(Hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)
Need to be reminded, that the Feast of Fasting we disunnatkan handling food or juadah first, then go where prayer, but for the Hari Raya Haji circumcision did not eat beforehand, otherwise we hasten keupacara prayer meetings. Prayer 'Idil Adhha then hasten to slaughter sacrificial animals, and then we came back with a sacrificial meat, then cooked and eaten recently.
In the morning Hari Raya, we also disunnatkan bath and wear clothes that completely new or clean and beautiful. Then when went kemusollah (a prayer), went through one way and return through the other way, with the aim to meet more crowded companion friend and fellow Muslims. We both say Salam 'Idil Fitri while unrequited-back smile, equally expressed gratitude to the Divine Presence on His guidance and help so that we prevail subdue appetite throughout the month of Ramadan.
In the days of the Prophet's life s.a.w. first, prayer 'Id is held on the ground roomy mosques because at that time a mere small. Now the prayer 'Id is held dimasjid or disurau. Is very beautiful if it can be made khemah or distinctive space outside the mosque or the mosque to provide opportunities that aging women (menstruation) sitting on the ground so that they can equally enjoy syi'ar 'Idil Fitri or' Idil Addha.
5) Practice-practice By Hari Raya Fasting
Muslims encouraged people do I'tikaf rollicking dimasjid the last ten nights of Ramadaan (the night of the 21st until the evening 29th or 30th) because hope to meet LAILATIL night Qadr or the Night of Power that has more value better than 1000 months. This practice is done in the days of the life of Prophet Muhammad and the companions and the subsequent centuries, even up to now still do so splendid disesetengah Islamic countries, especially in the Haram (Makkah), but unfortunately in our country were mostly Muslims greet 'Idil Fitri more concentrated in the form of physical or outward, which sesetengahnya not in accordance with the spirit of Islamic teachings. Since the beginning of Ramadan again, they are more concentrated kepusat buy-sides, complete preparations buy clothing, home decoration and others again. When the feast was almost Indeed, most of suspended house more concentrated supply of cake-muih the various types.
Each individual Muslim and Muslimah shall assess all the activity that has been running for this, which sesetengahnya has become a 'culture' including shape welcome event 'Idil Fitri. The characteristics are taken from outside the Islamic cultural heritage or foreign, which is not in accordance with Islamic Shari'a let aqidah and abandoned. We must provide food, juadah and kuih0muih for Hari Raya but let in a simple form. Likewise, the home jewelry, clothing for themselves and children must necessarily correspond to the family economy. Events ziarah- old prang religious visit, Sandara-mara, the relatives, the people who contributed to us as teachers and sabahat companion is actually not limited to blessing Hari Raya sake only, but it needs to be done on another day and month corresponding to the during the during the , as the Prophet Rasullullah sawyang mean: "mara brother Ziarahilah you from time to time because it may add compassion." Moreover religious visit our parents, let do seem to be more often, and do not wait for Hari Raya sake only. The practice is also necessary apologized done immediately if we feel has made mistakes, and mistakes on others.
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