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Ibn Khaldun: Mr. Economics, Islamic Information

Ibn Khaldun: Mr. Economics, Islamic Information


Islamic economic development in the past three decades, has encouraged and directed the attention of the modern ilmwuan to classical Islamic economic thought in intellectual exploration that I do, especially when taking Islamic economics doctorate program at UIN Jakarta, turns over the 2000s books and writings about Islamic economics since classical times to the present.
ibnu khaldun

See the abundance of literature on Islamic economics, then there are two things that are very unfortunate. First, In the bibliography of Islamic economics, none of them were the work of Indonesian figures. This was seen clearly in the book Islamic Economics and Finance: A Bibliografy, writing Javed Ahmad Khan (1995). This book contains 1621 paper on Islamic economics. Similarly, a list of books in Muslim Economic Thinking Prof.Dr.Muhammad writing Nejatullah Ash-Shidiqy, which examined 700 books of Islamic economics, none included the works of scholars of Indonesia.

Second, the most unfortunate thing to mention is the attitude of Muslim intellectuals or scholars in the last two centuries is not to continue and develop the Islamic economic studies that have been initiated and built by the previous scholars. Intellectual and our scholars in the contemporary era, more focus on the study material development of jurisprudence of worship, munakahat, theology (theology), pemkiran Islam and Sufism, in addition to the sciences of interpretation and hadith. So no wonder if their shallow knowledge of Islamic economics, including the matter of interest rates and their impact on inflation, investment, production and unemployment is also speculation and monetary stability. They ignore the Islamic economic studies are scientific and empirical scientists who have carried classic Islam. That is regrettable phenomenon Prof.Dr. Nejatyullah Muhammad Ash-Shiddiqy, professor of economics Univ.King Abdul Aziz Saudi. He said,

â € œThe ascendancy of the Islamic civilization and its dominance of the world scene for a thousand years could not have been Unaccompanied by economic ideas as such. From Abu Yusuf in the second century to Tusi and Waliullah we get a contiunity of serious discussion on taxation, government expenditure, home economics, money and exchange, division of labor, monopoly, price control, etc, Unfortunelly no serious attention has been paid to this heritage by centers of academic research in economics. (Economic Thingking Muslim, Islamic Fondation United Kingdom, 1976, p 264)

(Triumph of Islamic civilization and its influence on the stage of world history for 1000 years, is not possible without being accompanied by economic ideas and the like. From Abu Yusuf in the 2nd century AH to Tusi and Waliullah (18th century), we have kesibambungan of a series of discussions earnest regarding taxation, government spending, household economics, money and trade, division of labor, monopolies, price controls and so on. But it is very unfortunate, there is no attention given earnest on this valuable intellectual treasures by the center- academic research centers in the field of economics).

In the classical period of Islam, which since the second century Hijrah s / d 9 Hegira, many born Muslim scientist who developed economic studies (not Jurisprudence muamalah), but empirical economic studies that describe the actual phenomena of real economic activity in the communities and countries, such as market mechanisms (supply and demand), public finance, fiscal and monetary policy, thinking scholars of Islamic economics in the classical period is very advanced and brilliant, far predates modern Western thinkers such as Adam Smith, Keynes, Ricardo and Malthus.

Mr. Economy

Among the many past thinkers who study Islamic economics, Ibn Khaldun is one of the most prominent scientists. Ibn Khaldun often cited as the most prominent intellectual giants in the world. He was not only Mr. sociology but also Mr. sciences Economics, as many economic theories are far ahead of Adam Smith and Ricardo. That is, he was more than three centuries preceding the modern Western thinkers. Murad Muhammad Hilmi specifically has written a scientific paper entitled Abul Iqtishad: Ibn Khaldun. This means that Mr. Economy: Ibn Khaldun. (1962) In these writings of Ibn Khaldun demonstrated scientifically as the originator of the first empirical economics. The work delivered at the Symposium on Ibn Khaldun in Egypt in 1978.

Before Ibn Khaldun, economic studies in the Western world is still normative, sometimes examined from a legal perspective, there were also moral and philosophical perspective. The works on the economy by the imuwan West, such as the Greek scientist and Scholastic era patterned unscientific, because the medieval thinkers incorporate economic studies in moral and legal studies.

While Ibn Khaldun examines the economic problem of society and the state empirically. He explained that the actual economic phenomena. Nejatullah Muhammad Ash-Shiddiqy, write down the key points of the study material Ibn Khaldun about the economy.

Ibn Khaldun has a wide range of discussions on economics Including the subject value, division of labor, the price system, the law of supply and demand, consumption and production, money, capital formation, population growth, Macroeconomics of taxation and public expenditure, trade cycles, agricultural, industry and trade, property and prosperity, etc. He discussses the various stages through the which societies pass in economics progress. We also get the basic ideas embodied in the backward-sloping supply curve of labor (Shiddiqy, 1976, p. 261).

(Ibn Khaldun discusses a variety of broad economic issues, including the teaching of values, division of labor, the price system, the law of supply and demand, consumption and production, money, capital formation, population growth, macro-economics of taxation and public expenditure, recycling trade , agriculture, indusrtri and trade, property rights and prosperity, and so on. It also discusses the various stages through which the community in economic development. We also find the basic understanding manifest in the labor supply curve whose slope tiered retreat,).

In line with Shiddiqy Boulokia in his writings of Ibn Khaldun: A Fourteenth Century Economista € ??, said:

Ibn Khaldun discovered a great number of fundamental economic Notions a few Centuries before the official Reviews their births. He discovered the virtue and the necessity of a division of labor before Smith and the principle of labor value before Ricardo. He elaborated a theory of population before Malthus and INSISTED on the role of the state in the economy before Keyneys. But much more than that, Ibn Khaldun Reviews These concepts used to build a coherent Dinamics system in the which the economic mechanism led inexorably to the long term economic activity Fluctuation .... (Boulokia, 1971)

(Ibn Khaldun has found a large number of ideas and fundamentals of economic thought, a few centuries before the birth of â € € ?? ?? resminyaâ (in Europe). He found the virtue and necessity of a division of labor before discovered Smith and principles about the value of work before Ricardo. He had cultivated a theory of population before Malthus and will urge the state role in the economy before Keynes. Even more than that, Ibn Khaldun has used these conceptions to build a dynamic system that is easy to understand where the economic mechanism has led to fluctuations in economic activity panjangâ term € |) â € ??

Lafter, advisory economi president Ronald Reagan, who discovered the theory of Laffter Curve, forthright that he took the concept of Ibn Khaldun. Ibn Khaldun filed medication economic recession, which is discouraging taxes and increase spending (exports) government. Government is the biggest market and the mother of all markets in terms of the amount of revenue and acceptance. If the government market has decreased, it is natural that another party if the market will go down, even in aggregate large enough.

S.Colosia said in his book, Constribution A Lâ € ™ Etude da € ™ Ibn Khaldaun Revue Do Monde Musulman, as quoted Ibrahim Ath-Thahawi, said, â € ?? If the opinions of Ibn Khaldun on social life making pioneering philosophy Historically, the understanding of the role of labor, ownership and wages, making it a pioneer scientist modern economy. (1974, hlm.477)

Therefore, the contribution of Ibn Khaldun in economic thinking, then Boulakia said, â € œSangat can be justified if we refer to Ibn Khaldun as a father science ekonomi.â € ?? [1:] Siddiqi also concluded that Ibn Khaldun would be appropriately called as most economists Islam (Ibn Khaldun Rightly has been hailed as the greatest economist of Islam) (Shiddiqy, p. 260)

In connection with that, it is not surprising that many contemporary leading scientists researching and discussing the ideas of Ibn Khaldun, especially in the economic field. Ezzat wrote a doctoral dissertation on Ibn Khaldun, entitled Production, Distribution and Exchange in Khaldunâ € ™ s Writing and Nashaa € ™ t write â € œal-Fikr al-iqtisadi fi muqaddimat Ibn Khaldun (Economic Though in the Prolegomena of Ibn Khaldun) .. addition that we still have a contribution to the study of Ibn Khaldun abundant. This shows the greatness and the pioneering Ibn Khaldun as a leading intellectual who has formulated briliyan thinking about the economy. Rosenthal for example, has written of Ibn Khaldun the Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History, Spengler wrote the book Economic Thought of Islam: Ibn Khaldun, Ibn Khaldun wrote Boulakia: A Fourteenth Century Economist, Ahmad Ali writes Economics of Ibn Khaldun-A Selection, Ibn al-Sabil write Islami ishtirakiyat FIA € ™ l Islam, Abdul Qadir Ibn Khaldun to Maa € ™ ashi khayalatâ € ??, (Economic Views of Ibn Khaldun), Rifaa € ™ at writing Maa € ™ ashiyat par Ibn Khaldun to Khalayatâ € ?? (Ibn Khaldunâ € ™ s Views on Economics) Somogyi wrote the book Economic Theory in Classical Arabic Literature, Tahawi al-iqtisad madhhaban al-islami wa wa nizaman Dirasah muqaranh. (Islamic Economics-a School of Thought and a System, a Comparative Study ), TB Irving wrote Ibn Khaldun on Agricultureâ € ??, wrote the book Ibn Abdul Sattar Khaldunâ € ™ s Contribution to Economic Thoughtâ € ?? in: Contemporary Aspects of Economic and Social Thingking in Islam.


Exposure above shows that undoubtedly Ibn Khaldun is the real Mr. economy. He's not just Mr. Islamic economics, but Mr. world economy. Thus, in fact she who is more worthy to be called Mr. economy than Adam Smith who claimed the West as the Father of the economy through the book The Wealth of Nations .. therefore economic history needs to be straightened out again so that Muslims do not go astray in understanding the intellectual history of Muslims. This article can not decipher the thought of Ibn Khaldun secarfa detail, because space is limited and moreover thinking too scientific and technical if presented here. Ibn Khaldun economic theory in detail more suitable if published in a journal or book.
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