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Khalid bin Walid, Commander of the War, the Sword of Allah Islamic information

Khalid bin Walid, Commander of the War, the Sword of Allah Islamic information

Person who claimed not to know where and where life begins, but in a day when he shook hands with the Prophet, pledge and swear allegiance ... .At that he felt dilahrikan back as man "He is the man who never sleeps, and do not let anyone others sleep. "

One moment Khalid bin Walid had told his journey from Mecca to Medina to the Prophet:

"I want a companion, then I met Uthman ibn Talha; I told him what I mean, he immediately agreed. We were out of the city of Mecca around dawn, just outside the town we met with Amr bin Ash.
Khalid bin Walid, Commander of the War, the Sword of Allah Islamic information

So the three of us went to the city of Medina, so we got to the city in the early days of the month of Safar years to eight AH. After close to the Prophet we salute his prophethood, Prophet avenge my compliments with a bright face. Since then I embraced Islam and say the shahada of truth ... "

Messenger of Allah said, "Indeed, I have learned that you have common sense, and I hope that common sense will lead you to a road just a good ..." Therefore, I pledged allegiance and allegiance to him, then I beg "Please Prophet ask for forgiveness for me for all my past actions that stand in the way of Allah ... "

In Muktah war, there are three Martyrs Heroes, they are Zaid bin Haritha, Ja'far ibn Abi Talib and Abdullah bin Rawahah, three of them are Martyrs Heroes of the Sword of God in the land of Syria. For the purposes of this Muktah war, the enemy, the Roman troops deployed about 200,000 troops.

In this regard the Prophet said, "Bannerman war in the hands of Zaid bin Haritha, he fought with his banner until he died. Then the banner was taken over by Ja'far, who also fought with his banner until he died as a martyr. Then turn Abdullah bin Rawahah while holding the banner of fighting forward, until he also died as a martyr. "

"Then the banner was taken over by a sword from the sword of God, then God opened the victory in his hands."

After the third fall Commander met martyrdom, quickly Thabit ibn Arqam towards the war flag and bring it with her right hand and held it up in the middle of the Islamic forces so that their ranks are not chaotic, and the spirit of the troops remains high ...
Shortly thereafter, he nimbly ran his horse towards the Khalid bin Walid, saying to him, "Hold this banner, O Abu Sulaiman ...!"
Khalid bin Walid, Commander of the War, the Sword of Allah Islamic information

Khalid felt himself as a new convert to Islam, does not deserve to lead troops in which there are people Anshor and immigrants who first embraced Islam thereof, Polite, humble, wise, that's his attitude. When he replied, "No ... .. do i that holds this sacred banner, you were the most entitled to hold it, you are older, and has been with the battle of Badr!"

Thabit said, "Take, for you more than I know the tactics of war, and by God I'm not going to take it, except to be handed to you!" And then he called upon all Muslim forces, Would you like under the leadership of Khalid? "They answered," Agreed! "

With this new commander nimble jump over the horse, in the holy banner dekapnya and mencondongkannya towards the front with his right hand, as if to break all the doors were locked, and it was time to break down and hit on. Since then, tremendous heroism, unfold and reach the peak point predetermined by Allah for him ...

Currently this Muktah war casualties many Muslims fall, with their bodies covered in blood, being a Roman army with a much larger number, forge ahead like the floods that continue to sweep the battlefield.
In a very difficult situation, there is no path and tactics of war, however, will be able to change the situation.

The only way that can be done by a commander of the war, is how to let go of these Islamic troops from total annihilation, by preventing casualties continue to fall, as well as trying to get out of the situation with the remains of which there safely

At that juncture, a champion Khalid bin Walid, the Sword of God, which highlight all of the vast battlefield, with sharp eyes. Arranged plans and steps to be taken as fast as lightning, then divide his army into large groups in an atmosphere of war rages on.

Each group was given the task of each target, then dipergunakanlah Yudhanya art that brings miracle, the remarkable ingenuity of their minds, so that eventually he managed to open a wide path between Roman troops. From the path that the entire Muslim forces broke through safely. Because of his achievements in this war Messenger confers title to Khalid bin Walid, "The Sword of God that is always drawn".

After the death of the Prophet, died, Abu Bakr as the Caliph responsibility. He faced huge challenges and dangerous, namely a wave of apostasy who want to destroy this emerging religion. News of defiance clans and tribes in the Arabian Peninsula, from time to time more dangerous. In this critical situation, Abu Bakr himself forward to lead the Islamic forces. But the main allies do not agree with Abu Bakr's action. All agreed to ask the Caliph in order to remain in Medina.

Ali is forced to confront Abu Bakr and reins, the horses are in tungganginya to prevent his departure with his troops into battle, while saying, "Interlocking where thou, O Caliph of Allah, I will tell you what has been said in the Messenger of Uhud:" Keep your sword O Abu Bakr, do not you worry about us with you! "

In the presence of insistence and unanimously the Muslims, Caliph was forced to accept to remain in the city of Medina. Then after that, in the army divide Islam into eleven unity, with the burden of a particular task. Being as the head of the whole army, was appointed Khalid bin Walid. And after handing the flag to each commander, Caliph directs the view to Khalid bin Walid, saying:

I've heard the Prophet saying, that the best of God's servant and friend sepergaulan, was Khalid bin Walid, a sword among the swords of God ditebaskan to the disbelievers and the hypocrites ...! "

Khalid was soon performing their duties by moving from one place to battle battlefield to another, from one victory to another victory.

Come command of Caliph Abu Bakr, the Commander is unmatched, so went to Banu Hanifah Yamamah to fight alongside the tribes that have joined them consisting of a combination of a variety of the most dangerous renegade soldiers. This forces led by al-Kadzdzab Musalimah ..

Khalid with his troops took position in the plain of dunes Yamamah, and handed over to the war flag of his army commanders, while Musailamah deal with all the arrogance and lawlessness along with army troops very much, as if not to be inexhaustible.

In the midst of a very fierce battle that raged this, Khalid saw the advantages the enemy, he then rode to a nearby high ground, and then he turned his gaze to the entire battlefield. Quick view acumen and instinct overcome war, he can quickly determine and conclude the point of weakness troops.

He may feel, there is a sense of responsibility among parajuritnya began to weaken amid sudden invasions Musailamah forces. It was decided posthaste to strengthen the fighting spirit and the responsibility of the Muslims forces. He called commanders in porch and wing, respectively ditertibkannya positions on the battlefield, then he shouted with an impressive victory voice:

"Bring your strong ... respectively, will we see today services every tribe!"

People Muhajirin forward with the banner of their war, and people Anshor was developed with the banner of their war, then any ethnic group with its own banner. The fighting spirit of his troops so raging hotter burn, which is filled with determination, winning or martyrdom. While Khalid continues to echo the Takbir and Tahlil, while giving the command to the field commanders. In a short time, transformed the direction of the battle, the soldiers led Musailamah began to fall, tumbling meggelepar like mosquitoes.

Khalid bin Walid managed to ignite the spirit of courage like shock of electricity to every parajuritnya, that's one of the privileges of the many advantages. Musailamah killed along with his soldiers, lying fills the entire area of ​​the battlefield, and terkuburlah forever flags calling for lies and falsehood.

Furthermore, the Caliph Abu Bakr ordered Khalid bin Walid to leave for Iraq, then went to Iraq this the Mujahid. He began his meliternya operations in Iraq by sending a letter to the entire Authorities D'Andrea (Emperor of Persia) and Governor-governors in all parts of Iraq.

"In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Of Khalid Ibn Walid to the magnifying Persi. Safety for anyone who follows the instructions. Then all praise belongs to God who has brought disorder accomplice you, and grabbed your kingdom, as well as weaken the guile of you. Who pray like our prayers, and facing the Qiblah us, be he a Muslim. He will mendaptkan rights such as the right we get, and he berkewjiban as our obligation.

When it has come to you this letter, let me guarantee you send, and receive from me protection if not, then for the sake of Allah is no god but Him, I will send to you one of the brave dead, but you are still very much in love alive ...! "

The spies are propagated to all corners of Persia came with news of the departure of the troops a very large army that was prepared by the Persian commanders in Iraq.

Khalid did not waste time, he quickly memersiapkan forces to confront the Persian forces. On the way to Persia he succeeded in obtaining victories, ranging from Ubullah, As-Sadir, in one after another Najaf and Al-Hirah, Al-Ambar, until Khadimiah. In each place he was able to conquer it welcomed beaming population, because under the banner of Islam, they are people who are weak are oppressed Persian invaders, could shelter safely.

The colonized people and weak during the many experiencing pain bondage and torture of the Persians. Khalid always told with a stern warning, the entire army every time you go to the battlefield:

"Do not you hurt the peasants, let them work safely, except when there are going to attack you, fight those who fight you ...".

The victory achieved by the Muslims in Iraq from the Persian raised hopes of obtaining the same victory on the Romans in Syria. Caliph Abu Bakr to deploy some troops and appoint a miraculous elect as commander, such as Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah, Amr bin Ash and Yazid bin Muawiya bin Abu Sufyan and Abu Sufyan.

At the time of Islam's armies began to move, this news until the Roman Emperor. He advised the minister and General-generals in order to make peace only with Muslims, and fight against them, because it will only lead to loss alone. But the ministers and generals still insisted on continuing the war as he brags: "By God, we will serve Abu Bakr was, until he was able to bring cavalry to our country."

They prepared no fewer than 240,000 soldiers to this war. The spy Islamic army sends a picture of the alarming state of the Caliph. Knowing it was Abu Bakr said, "By Allah, all the worries and doubts they will heal with the arrival of Khalid." Healer This concerns, in the form of orders go out to Sham to Khalid to lead the entire army that had preceded Islam were there. Khalid bin Walid swiftly carry out the orders of Caliph, and handed the leadership of troops in Iraq to Mutsanna bin Haritha, after all his affairs in Iraq is finished, he immediately went to Sham.

On the battlefield, before the fighting began, he stood in the midst of his troops with a speech, "Today is the day of God, did not deserve us here boast and do ungodly ... .Ikhlaskanlah your jihad, and expect God Ridlo your war! Let us take turns holding the leadership, which in turns. Today one in charge, another tomorrow, the day after another, so entirely had the opportunity to lead ...! "

The Roman army, when seen from the large number of troops and supplies weapons they have, is something very exciting for anyone who saw it. Undoubtedly, that the Islamic forces before the arrival of Khalid bin Walid feel trepidation and anxiety and restlessness in their souls. Just because faith is they who make their hearts steady.

No matter how the Romans and his hosts, but Abu Bakr said, "Khalid who will finish ..., By Allah, all their worries would I defeated with an Khalid! Let the Romans with all the greatness it comes! Are not the Muslims there are artisan pukulnya? "

Khalid bin Walid briefed army commanders, to prepare and divide on some great unity. The regulation measures the tactics and strategies for attack and defense, to match the tactics of the Roman army, as he has experienced from his friends Persians in Iraq, by describing every possibility of this war.

Before plunging into the cauldron of war, there is one thing that is a little disturbing thoughts, namely the possibility of some members of the army who had fled, especially those who have recently converted to Islam, after the horrors they saw the greatness and the Roman army.

One of the secrets special victories achieved by Khalid in every battle, is "Tsabat" means to remain steadfast and disciplined. He saw that his run of two or three soldiers, would spread panic and chaos in the whole unity which would be fatal, and this merpakan disaster.

Therefore, very firm and tough action against those who dispose of all weapons and fled from the battlefield. So in the battle of Yarmuk, after the entire army mangambil position, he called Muslim women to bear arms.

They were ordered to take the position of Muslims in the army ranks behind every corner. Khalid told them, "Anybody who fled from the battlefield this, kill them!"

Before the fierce battle took place, the Roman army commander asked Khalid Shown forward, because he wanted to talk to him. Khalid forward so they both face each other on the backs of their horses, somewhere field between the two forces.

Roman army commanders named Mahan was said to Khalid:
"We know that the push you out of your land is nothing but starvation and hardship, if you agree, I give each of you is 10 dinars complete with clothing and food, as long as you return back to your country. And in the years to come I will send that much anyway ......!

Hearing that, not playing angry Khalid, but it remained on hold, while menggetakkan his teeth, he considered a humiliation and lack of teachings of the Roman commander. Then in answer to say:

"That is what led us out of our country, not because of hunger as you think, but we are a people who drink blood. And we are very aware, that no blood is sweeter and tastier than the blood of the Romans, that's why we come! "

Commander Khalid bin Walid grinding reins, as he returned to the ranks of his army, raised the flag high Cleaner mark the beginning of the battle. "Allah Is The Greatest, ......
berhembuslah winds of heaven, "he shouted. In the midst of fierce poertempuran it lasts, no one from the Muslim army approached Abu Ubaidan bin Jarrah, saying, "I was determined to die a martyr, do you have an important message I can give to the Messenger of Allah, if I see him later? "Abu Ubaidah replied," There is, to convey to him, Rasululullah Yes, indeed, we have discovered that what he had promised God, it's true! "

After that, he was going to burst into the middle of the battlefield by attacking the loose like an arrow from a bow. He stormed into the midst of the fierce battle, missed a contest, until he was martyred.

He was Ikrimah Abu Jahl, the son of Abu Jahl. He called out to the soldiers Muslims, at the time of the Roman army increasingly heavy pressure, with a loud voice, he said, "Indeed, I have long fought to the Prophet in the past, before I got the guidance of God, converted to Islam. Is it appropriate for me to run today, of the enemies of God? "Shouting he called out to the Muslim forces," Who is willing and promised to die? "

A group of Muslims pledged to Ikrimah troops to fight to the death, then they both stormed into the heart of enemy defenses, they are just looking for a victory, but if victory were to be redeemed with body and soul, they were ready to die a martyr ... .. Allah accept the sacrifice and bai'at them, they were all martyred.

In the midst of the fierce battle, Khalid bin Walid deploy 100 troops, not more. They were ordered to invade with the left wing of the Roman army numbering no less than 40,000 soldiers. Khalid instructing them ,: "By God, that I am in his hands, no more patience and persistence to stay on the Romans, except what we saw! Indeed, I hope God gives opportunity for you to cut the trunks of their keher ...! "

The greatness of Khalid bin Walid was amazing the commanders and the commander of the Roman army. This prompted one of them, named Georgius, inviting Khalid in times of war stopped to rest, to converse. The Roman commander said to Khalid:

"Mr. Khalid, ... .jujurlah you to me, do not lie, because the free men never lie! Does God have lowered the sword of the Prophet you from heaven, and the sword was given to you, to each of you hunuskan against anyone, the sword is definitely destroy it? "Khalid replied," Oh, no. "

The man asked again, "Why are you called The Sword of God?" Khalid replied, "Allah has sent His Messenger told us, most of us would justify it, and some others rejected him so that God made our hearts accept Islam, and give instructions to us through His messenger, and we pledged allegiance to him ......, the Prophet prayed and said to me, "You are the sword of God among the many swords Him." So, then I was given the nickname the sword of Allah ".

The next dialogue takes place between the commander with Khalid:
To whom you all diserunya?
The Men-monotheism-the God and to Islam
Do people who converted to Islam now will get a reward like you too?
Indeed, even more ...... ..
How can happen, when you had already entered?
For indeed we have lived with the Prophet and we have seen signs and miracles Apostolate, and fair for everyone who has seen as we see, and hear as we hear, will convert to Islam with ease. As for you, O people who have never seen and heard, and you believe in the unseen, then your reward is doubled and large, if you justify God with a sincere heart and pure intentions ...

The Roman commander then shouted, advancing his horse close to Khalid and stand beside "Islam Teach me, O Khalid ....! Then after it makes Islam the commander was, and pray two cycles, the only prayers that could be done, because after the incident the two forces began to fight again. Roman Commander, Georgius, who now fight on the side of the Muslims, with the death-death demanding martyr, until he reach it and he got it.

Khalid bin Walid life is war from birth to death. Environment, education, and growth throughout life, before and after Islam, are all heroes riding arena for a very shrewd and feared sword is a very powerful tool as redeemer of his past. The sword that was in the grip of a commander riding like Khalid, and hands grasping the sword driven by surging heart and driven by an absolute defense against the holy religion, it is very difficult for this sword to break away altogether from the harsh demeanor and powerful, and sharpness are disconnected.

Caliph Umar bin Khattab once said, "No woman would ever again be able to give birth to men like Khalid." He was a person who is often portrayed by the friends and enemies, with: "People who never sleeps, and do not let others sleep. "

One time he once said: "Nothing can match the joy, even more by the time the wedding night, or when endowed Toys, which is a very critical night, where I was with the expedition of the army with the people Emigrants pounding the Pagans at dawn . "

There is something that is always troubling his mind when he was alive, that if she died on the bed, even though he has spent all his age on horseback war and under the lightning sword.

When he said: "I have participated in the battle fought everywhere, my whole body is full of sword, lance and arrows tancapan ...... Then here I am, not what I wanted, dead on the bed, like the death of a camel. "

Prior to his last breath, he intestate to Caliph Umar, that the Caliph mewakafkan wealth he left behind, in the form of horse and sword. The rest is no longer valuable items that can be owned by the people.

All his life he never influenced by desire, except to enjoy the victory and triumphant defeat the enemy of truth.
None pleasures that can affect the desire of lust, but only one, the goods very carefully and he desperately keeping. Goods in the form of a cap. Once upon a time, skullcap was falling in Yarmuk. He shared some of his troops with difficulty looking for it. When others criticized him for it, he said, "In it there are a few strands of hair from the crown of the Prophet".

The current body on the stretcher some friends out of her home, the mother looked at him with eyes that glow showing hardness of heart but disaput cloud of sorrow, then let go with the words:

Millions of people can not exceed keutamaanmu ....
They were valiant but subject at the end of the sword ...
You are brave exceed lionesses ... ..
Raging protect her son ......
You are more powerful than the flood ... ..
Who jumped from the steep hill to the valley gap ......
The grace of God for Abu Sulaiman,
What's in the hand of Allah is better than the one in the world.
He lived commendable, and happy after death ... ..
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