By : Ustadz Abu Sauda` Eko Mas`uri
The month of Ramadan is called the month of the Qur'an because in it Allaah lowers the Qur'an as a guidance for mankind to the path of truth, and as a differentiator between the Truth with falsehood. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
شهر رمضان الذي أنزل فيه القرآن هدى للناس وبينات من الهدى والفرقان
(A few days it is specified) month of Ramadan, the month in which derived (beginning) of the Qur'an as a guidance for mankind and the explanations of the clues and the difference (between the haq and the falsehood). [Al-Baqarah / 2: 185].
The Qur'an is the source of all Islamic law. With the Qur'an that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has sent the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to all mankind. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
تبارك الذي نزل الفرقان على عبده ليكون للعالمين نذيرا
Blessed is He Who has sent down al-Furqan (Al-Qur'an) to His servant, so he became a warner to the whole universe. [Al-Furqan / 25: 1].
Similarly, the Sunnah of the Prophet. Hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has a role alongside the Qur'an became legal guidelines in Islamic law. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
وما آتاكم الرسول فخذوه وما نهاكم عنه فانتهوا واتقوا الله إن الله شديد العقاب
What is given unto the Apostle, then accept. And what he forbids you, then leave. And fear Allah. Verily Allah is severe in punishment. [Al-Hashr / 59: 7].
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala degrade the Qur'an gradually. The first revelation down during Ramadan at night lailatul-Qadr, as Allaah says:
إنا أنزلناه في ليلة القدر
Indeed, We have it down (the Qur'an) on the night of glory. [Al-Qadr / 97: 1].
The age of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam at the time was 40 years, as stated by the distinguished scientist. The ideal age for a person to reach the perfection of reason, intellect and knowledge.
The Qur'an came down from Allah Almighty to Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam with the mediation of the Angel Gabriel Alaihissallam. She is the leader of the angels. Allah Ta'ala mensifati Angel Gabriel with his word:
إنه لقول رسول كريم)19(ذي قوة عند ذي العرش مكين)20(مطاع ثم أمين
Indeed the Koran really the word (of God brought by) a noble messenger (Gabriel), who have the power, which has a high position in the sight of Allah that has the Throne, obeyed there (in the angelic realm) more believable , [At-takwir / 81: 19-21].
Also the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:
علمه شديد القوى)5(ذو مرة فاستوى
Taught to him by (Gabriel) were very strong. Which has an intelligent mind; and (Gabriel's) appeared in the original form. [An-Najm / 53: 5-6].
From the brief description above, we can understand that the Qur'an has a high position. The Qur'an is a revelation from the Lord of all-'alamin, ruler of the universe, the One who has power over all things, which God Tabaraka wa Ta'ala. The Qur'an was revealed to the most grand and noble man since God created the first man to the last man. Leader and leader of the prophets and apostles. He is the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. The Qur'an is lowered by intermediaries being obedient to Allah, ie the angels. Even the best angel and the leader of the angels. He is the Angel Gabriel. And the Qur'an was revealed at a time of great depth, which is the month of Ramadan. Even the evening lowered the Qur'an is lailatul night-Qadr, a night better than a thousand months.
Allah Almighty says:
إنا أنزلناه في ليلة القدر)1(وما أدراك ما ليلة القدر)2(ليلة القدر خير من ألف شهر)3(تنزل الملائكة والروح فيها بإذن ربهم من كل أمر)4(سلام هي حتى مطلع الفجر
Indeed, We have it down (the Qur'an) on the night of glory. And what will explain to thee what the night of Power is? Night of Power is better than a thousand months. On that night down the angels and the Angel Gabriel with his Lord permits to regulate all affairs. That night (full) well-being until dawn. [Al-Qadr / 97: 1-5].
The glory of the Qur'an other, ie it will remain intact kemurniaannya until the Day of Judgment. And many more privileges contained in the Qur'an.
After knowing the position of the Qur'an, then as a Muslim, we must regard the Qur'an. We do deeds goodness associated with the book that started this.
First. Reading And Memorizing the Qur'an.
Reading the Qur'an is the first step someone bermuamalah with the Qur'an. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam ordered that we diligently read it, as stated in the words he sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam:
اقرؤوا القرآن فإنه يأتي يوم القيامة شفيعا لأصحابه ...
Read the Qur'an, because it will come on the Day of Resurrection as the giver of intercession for those who read it ... [Muslim].
Know that God made the practice of reading the Qur'an included as one of the valuable worship Him. God gives the reward of reading the Qur'an instead of per letter or per verse, but the reward per letter of the Qur'an we read. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said
لا أقول الم حرف ولكن ألف حرف و لام حرف وميم حرف
I do not say that alif lam mim one letter. But alif is one letter, lam is a letter and mim is a letter. [HR at-Tirmidhi].
Second. Mentadabburi And Learning them the Qur'an.
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
أفلا يتدبرون القرآن أم على قلوب أقفالها
So, if they do not heed the Qur'an, or are their hearts locked up? [Muhammad / 47: 24].
Allaah also says:
كتاب أنزلناه إليك مبارك ليدبروا آياته وليتذكر أولو الألباب
It is a book of which we sent down to you full of blessings that they may heed His verses and so learned people who have a mind. [Shad / 38: 29].
Third. Teach the Qur'an.
The Qur'an is the best of science. Anyone who disseminate and teach it to others, then he will get a reply that continues to flow Allah Ta'ala. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
إذا مات ابن آدم انقطع عمله إلا من ثلاث صدقة جارية أو علم ينتفع به أو ولد صالح يدعو له
If the man dies, the deeds terputuslah all but three cases, (namely) shadaqah jariyah, or beneficial knowledge, or a righteous child who pray. [Muslim].
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam also said:
خيركم من تعلم القرآن وعلمه
The best of you are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it. [HR Imam al-Bukhari].
Fourth. Mengamalkannya.
Such liabilities someone who already knows a science. Let him practice it. A science would be useless if it was never practiced. Because the fruit of science is charity. And Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala will only reward based charity that worked.
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
إنما تجزون ما كنتم تعملون
Ye requited for what you used to do. [Ath-Thur / 52: 16]
جزاء بما كانوا يعملون
As a reward for what they have done. [Al-Wâqi`ah / 56: 24].
Relating to a ahlul-qur `, Friends' Abdullah bin Mas'ud once said:" Bearer of the Qur'an must be recognized at night when the man was sound asleep, during the day when man breaking, with tears when Man laughing, with wara'nya when people mingle, with the silence when human soluble useless talks, with kekhusyuannya when humans behave arrogantly, and with sad when people rejoice ".
May Allah Almighty make us as Ahl-ul-Quran. Ie people who always concern themselves with reading, studying, teaching and practice of the Koran. So that on the Day of Resurrection, the Qur'an came to intercede for us before God Tabaraka wa Ta'ala.
As a form of glorifying the Qur'an, let us keep adab-adab when reading.
First. Read it in the most perfect state. Namely the purification, facing the Qiblah and sit politely.
Second. Read tartil and unhurried. Because it is not worth someone read the Qur'an with too quickly, resulting in less than three days he had finished reading mengkhatamkan. Though there is a history of ashabus-sunnan at-Tirmidhi and classed as saheeh, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
من قرأ القرآن في أقل من ثلاث ليال لم يفقهه
Whoever (mengkhatamkan) reading the Qur'an in less than three days then he can not understand.
Third. Always humility 'when read, revealing sadness, and trying to cry.
Reported by Ibn Majah with jayyid sanad, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
اتلوا القرآن وابكوا. فإن لم تبكوا فتباكوا
Read the Qur'an and weep. If you can not cry, then pretend to cry.
Fourth. Let beautify his voice.
Narrated by Imam al-Bukhari from Abu Hurairah friend, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
ليس منا من لم يتغن بالقرآن
Not one of us people who do not read the Qur'an with the rhythm.
Fifth. One who reads the Qur'an let conceal his voice if he was worried would cause riya`, or sum'ah on himself, or if it is feared to disturb those who are praying.
Furthermore, let a Muslim trying to reproduce recitation of the Qur'an in his chest, because it includes the sign of one's faith, and one of the signs of people who were given knowledge. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
بل هو آيات بينات في صدور الذين أوتوا العلم وما يجحد بآياتنا إلا الظالمون
Actually, the Koran is the real verses in the chests of people who were given knowledge, and none deny Our verses except those wrongdoers. [Al-Ankabut / 29: 49]
1. Ushulun fit-Tafsiir, works of Shaykh Muhammad Salih al-'Utsaimin.
2. Minhajul-Muslim.
3. The article "Religion is advice," Abdul-Qadir Ustadz Yazid Jawwas. See Magazine Sunnah, Hadith Rubric, Edition 05 / Year XI / 1428H / 2007M, pages 15-24.
[Copied from the magazine edition of As-Sunnah 08 / Year XI / 1428H / 2007M. Publishers Foundation Standing Committee Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo-Purwodadi Km.8 Selokaton Gondangrejo Solo 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]
By : Ustadz Abu Sauda` Eko Mas`uri
The month of Ramadan is called the month of the Qur'an because in it Allaah lowers the Qur'an as a guidance for mankind to the path of truth, and as a differentiator between the Truth with falsehood. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
شهر رمضان الذي أنزل فيه القرآن هدى للناس وبينات من الهدى والفرقان
(A few days it is specified) month of Ramadan, the month in which derived (beginning) of the Qur'an as a guidance for mankind and the explanations of the clues and the difference (between the haq and the falsehood). [Al-Baqarah / 2: 185].
The Qur'an is the source of all Islamic law. With the Qur'an that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has sent the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to all mankind. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
تبارك الذي نزل الفرقان على عبده ليكون للعالمين نذيرا
Blessed is He Who has sent down al-Furqan (Al-Qur'an) to His servant, so he became a warner to the whole universe. [Al-Furqan / 25: 1].
Similarly, the Sunnah of the Prophet. Hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has a role alongside the Qur'an became legal guidelines in Islamic law. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
وما آتاكم الرسول فخذوه وما نهاكم عنه فانتهوا واتقوا الله إن الله شديد العقاب
What is given unto the Apostle, then accept. And what he forbids you, then leave. And fear Allah. Verily Allah is severe in punishment. [Al-Hashr / 59: 7].
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala degrade the Qur'an gradually. The first revelation down during Ramadan at night lailatul-Qadr, as Allaah says:
إنا أنزلناه في ليلة القدر
Indeed, We have it down (the Qur'an) on the night of glory. [Al-Qadr / 97: 1].
The age of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam at the time was 40 years, as stated by the distinguished scientist. The ideal age for a person to reach the perfection of reason, intellect and knowledge.
The Qur'an came down from Allah Almighty to Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam with the mediation of the Angel Gabriel Alaihissallam. She is the leader of the angels. Allah Ta'ala mensifati Angel Gabriel with his word:
إنه لقول رسول كريم)19(ذي قوة عند ذي العرش مكين)20(مطاع ثم أمين
Indeed the Koran really the word (of God brought by) a noble messenger (Gabriel), who have the power, which has a high position in the sight of Allah that has the Throne, obeyed there (in the angelic realm) more believable , [At-takwir / 81: 19-21].
Also the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:
علمه شديد القوى)5(ذو مرة فاستوى
Taught to him by (Gabriel) were very strong. Which has an intelligent mind; and (Gabriel's) appeared in the original form. [An-Najm / 53: 5-6].
From the brief description above, we can understand that the Qur'an has a high position. The Qur'an is a revelation from the Lord of all-'alamin, ruler of the universe, the One who has power over all things, which God Tabaraka wa Ta'ala. The Qur'an was revealed to the most grand and noble man since God created the first man to the last man. Leader and leader of the prophets and apostles. He is the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. The Qur'an is lowered by intermediaries being obedient to Allah, ie the angels. Even the best angel and the leader of the angels. He is the Angel Gabriel. And the Qur'an was revealed at a time of great depth, which is the month of Ramadan. Even the evening lowered the Qur'an is lailatul night-Qadr, a night better than a thousand months.
Allah Almighty says:
إنا أنزلناه في ليلة القدر)1(وما أدراك ما ليلة القدر)2(ليلة القدر خير من ألف شهر)3(تنزل الملائكة والروح فيها بإذن ربهم من كل أمر)4(سلام هي حتى مطلع الفجر
Indeed, We have it down (the Qur'an) on the night of glory. And what will explain to thee what the night of Power is? Night of Power is better than a thousand months. On that night down the angels and the Angel Gabriel with his Lord permits to regulate all affairs. That night (full) well-being until dawn. [Al-Qadr / 97: 1-5].
The glory of the Qur'an other, ie it will remain intact kemurniaannya until the Day of Judgment. And many more privileges contained in the Qur'an.
After knowing the position of the Qur'an, then as a Muslim, we must regard the Qur'an. We do deeds goodness associated with the book that started this.
First. Reading And Memorizing the Qur'an.
Reading the Qur'an is the first step someone bermuamalah with the Qur'an. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam ordered that we diligently read it, as stated in the words he sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam:
اقرؤوا القرآن فإنه يأتي يوم القيامة شفيعا لأصحابه ...
Read the Qur'an, because it will come on the Day of Resurrection as the giver of intercession for those who read it ... [Muslim].
Know that God made the practice of reading the Qur'an included as one of the valuable worship Him. God gives the reward of reading the Qur'an instead of per letter or per verse, but the reward per letter of the Qur'an we read. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said
لا أقول الم حرف ولكن ألف حرف و لام حرف وميم حرف
I do not say that alif lam mim one letter. But alif is one letter, lam is a letter and mim is a letter. [HR at-Tirmidhi].
Second. Mentadabburi And Learning them the Qur'an.
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
أفلا يتدبرون القرآن أم على قلوب أقفالها
So, if they do not heed the Qur'an, or are their hearts locked up? [Muhammad / 47: 24].
Allaah also says:
كتاب أنزلناه إليك مبارك ليدبروا آياته وليتذكر أولو الألباب
It is a book of which we sent down to you full of blessings that they may heed His verses and so learned people who have a mind. [Shad / 38: 29].
Third. Teach the Qur'an.
The Qur'an is the best of science. Anyone who disseminate and teach it to others, then he will get a reply that continues to flow Allah Ta'ala. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
إذا مات ابن آدم انقطع عمله إلا من ثلاث صدقة جارية أو علم ينتفع به أو ولد صالح يدعو له
If the man dies, the deeds terputuslah all but three cases, (namely) shadaqah jariyah, or beneficial knowledge, or a righteous child who pray. [Muslim].
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam also said:
خيركم من تعلم القرآن وعلمه
The best of you are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it. [HR Imam al-Bukhari].
Fourth. Mengamalkannya.
Such liabilities someone who already knows a science. Let him practice it. A science would be useless if it was never practiced. Because the fruit of science is charity. And Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala will only reward based charity that worked.
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
إنما تجزون ما كنتم تعملون
Ye requited for what you used to do. [Ath-Thur / 52: 16]
جزاء بما كانوا يعملون
As a reward for what they have done. [Al-Wâqi`ah / 56: 24].
Relating to a ahlul-qur `, Friends' Abdullah bin Mas'ud once said:" Bearer of the Qur'an must be recognized at night when the man was sound asleep, during the day when man breaking, with tears when Man laughing, with wara'nya when people mingle, with the silence when human soluble useless talks, with kekhusyuannya when humans behave arrogantly, and with sad when people rejoice ".
May Allah Almighty make us as Ahl-ul-Quran. Ie people who always concern themselves with reading, studying, teaching and practice of the Koran. So that on the Day of Resurrection, the Qur'an came to intercede for us before God Tabaraka wa Ta'ala.
As a form of glorifying the Qur'an, let us keep adab-adab when reading.
First. Read it in the most perfect state. Namely the purification, facing the Qiblah and sit politely.
Second. Read tartil and unhurried. Because it is not worth someone read the Qur'an with too quickly, resulting in less than three days he had finished reading mengkhatamkan. Though there is a history of ashabus-sunnan at-Tirmidhi and classed as saheeh, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
من قرأ القرآن في أقل من ثلاث ليال لم يفقهه
Whoever (mengkhatamkan) reading the Qur'an in less than three days then he can not understand.
Third. Always humility 'when read, revealing sadness, and trying to cry.
Reported by Ibn Majah with jayyid sanad, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
اتلوا القرآن وابكوا. فإن لم تبكوا فتباكوا
Read the Qur'an and weep. If you can not cry, then pretend to cry.
Fourth. Let beautify his voice.
Narrated by Imam al-Bukhari from Abu Hurairah friend, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
ليس منا من لم يتغن بالقرآن
Not one of us people who do not read the Qur'an with the rhythm.
Fifth. One who reads the Qur'an let conceal his voice if he was worried would cause riya`, or sum'ah on himself, or if it is feared to disturb those who are praying.
Furthermore, let a Muslim trying to reproduce recitation of the Qur'an in his chest, because it includes the sign of one's faith, and one of the signs of people who were given knowledge. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
بل هو آيات بينات في صدور الذين أوتوا العلم وما يجحد بآياتنا إلا الظالمون
Actually, the Koran is the real verses in the chests of people who were given knowledge, and none deny Our verses except those wrongdoers. [Al-Ankabut / 29: 49]
1. Ushulun fit-Tafsiir, works of Shaykh Muhammad Salih al-'Utsaimin.
2. Minhajul-Muslim.
3. The article "Religion is advice," Abdul-Qadir Ustadz Yazid Jawwas. See Magazine Sunnah, Hadith Rubric, Edition 05 / Year XI / 1428H / 2007M, pages 15-24.
[Copied from the magazine edition of As-Sunnah 08 / Year XI / 1428H / 2007M. Publishers Foundation Standing Committee Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo-Purwodadi Km.8 Selokaton Gondangrejo Solo 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]
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