The story of Noah 'Alaihissalaam, the Apostle First
He 'upon whom be peace Lamak son named Noah, the son of Mattusylikh bin Khanuk -beliau was Prophet Idris' Alaihissalam- bin Yard bin Mahla'il bin Qainan bin Anusy son Adam Syits bin Abul Bechar' upon whom be peace. He was born 126 years after the death of Prophet Adam as mentioned Ibn Jarir Tabari and in others. Meanwhile, according to the history of the Book, the distance between the birth and death of Adam Noah was 146 years ie between the two separated 10 centuries.
This is corroborated by the hadith narrated by Al-Hafiz Ibn Hibbaan, from companions Abu Umamah, he said that a man asked the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam, "O Messenger, whether it includes a Prophet Adam?" He said, "Right." Laki- The man asked again, "What is the distance between Adam and Noah?" He said, "the 10th century."
Ibn Hibbaan said that according to the terms of this history of Imam Muslim, but he did not narrated. [HR Ibn Hibbaan no. 6190; Ath-Thabrani (Mu'jam Al-Kabir no. 5745); Shaykh al-Albani in Ash-Shahihah menshahihkannya no. 2668].
Besides, in Sahih Bukhari narrated from Ibn Abbas, he said, "Between Adam and Noah there within 10 centuries, all of them (religion) of Islam." [Ash-Shaykh Abdullah At-Turki, pentahqiq book says that he does not know the history of this in Saheeh Bukhari, but narrated by Ibn Jarir Tabari in Tafsir (29/99) of the Ikrimah]. If the century in question here is a hundred years, then the distance between them is thousand years but it can not be denied also that the distance is more than that based on what is said Ibn Abbas to include the word Islam in the history, that there may be a distance of a few centuries that they do not in a state of Islam but the hadeeth of Abu Umamah indicates that only limited to the 10th century.
Besides Ibn Abbas added that everything had embraced Islam. This then denied the words of historian and scribe that Cain and other fire worship. Thus, long-lived generations before Noah. God knows best.
Noah God Sent To The Pagan
Noah 'upon whom be peace sent by Allah Ta'ala upon humanity to worship idols and Evil. Additionally mankind ordered to error and disbelief, then Allah Almighty sent Prophet Noah as a form of mercy. He was a first apostle who was sent to earth as said by experts Mahsyar on the Day of Judgment [See Saheeh Muslim, Hadith no. 292, Book of Faith]. Noah is the name of Bani Rasib as the opinion of Ibn Jarir Tabari and others.
The scholars and historians disagree about the age keberapakah Noah was sent as an apostle, details as follows:
- Some argue, he was sent at the age of 50 years.
- Some argue at the age of 350 years.
- There is also a history that says he was sent at the age of 480 years. Various opinions are mentioned by Ibn Jarir and he leaned opinion as to Ibn Abbas.
Origin of Idolatry At The Noah
Allah the Exalted says:
لقد أرسلنا نوحا إلى قومه فقال يا قوم اعبدوا الله ما لكم من إله غيره إني أخاف عليكم عذاب يوم عظيم
قال الملأ من قومه إنا لنراك في ضلال مبين
قال يا قوم ليس بي ضلالة ولكني رسول من رب العالمين
أبلغكم رسالات ربي وأنصح لكم وأعلم من الله ما لا تعلمون
أوعجبتم أن جاءكم ذكر من ربكم على رجل منكم لينذركم ولتتقوا ولعلكم ترحمون
فكذبوه فأنجيناه والذين معه في الفلك وأغرقنا الذين كذبوا بآياتنا إنهم كانوا قوما عمين
"We sent Noah to his people and he said:" O my people! Worship Allah, occasionally there is no other god but Him. "Indeed (if you do not worship Allah), I fear for you the Penalty of a Great Day (of Judgment ). Chieftains of his people said: "Indeed, we see you are in manifest error". He said: "O my people, there is no straying me in the slightest, but I am a messenger from the Lord of the Worlds". "I convey to you the messages of my Lord and I advise you, and I know from Allah what you do not know". And if you (do not believe) and wonder that comes to you from your Lord by the mouth of warning a man of golonganmu that he gave a warning to you and hopefully you cautious and that ye may obtain mercy? So they rejected Noah, then we saved him and those with him in the ark, and We drowned those who belied Our verses. They are a people who are blind (his eyes). "[Surah Al-A'raaf: 59-64].
At the beginning already mentioned that the distance between Adam and Noah are 10 century, above all in Islam. Then after centuries it straight then there is a wide range of problems until the state of mankind at that time was changed to idolatry. As for why is like what is said by Allah Ta'ala:
وقالوا لا تذرن آلهتكم ولا تذرن ودا ولا سواعا ولا يغوث ويعوق ونسرا
"And they say:" Do not ever leave you (worship) gods and do you also not you ever leave the (worship) WADD, and do not also suwaa ', yaghuts, ya'uq and Nasr ". [Surah Nuh: 23]. Ibn Abbas interprets this verse that what is meant by this paragraph are the names of the righteous Noah 'upon whom be peace. Thus Imam Bukhari narrated from Ibn Jurayj road, from Atha '. [Bukhari no. 4566, The Book of Tafsir, Chapter Tafsir Surah Nuh: 23]
When the righteous people have died, the devil revealed to them to make their idols in the house of their usual place of worship and named by their names. So people did so, but the idols were not worshiped but after they all died and knowledge had been lost, there was the worship of idols by the people. Ibn Abbas said, idols that existed at the Noah is also there in the Arab nation jahiliyyah idols. Thus said Ikrimah, Adh-Dahhak, Qatadah and Ibn Ishaq.
Imam Ibn Abu Hatim narrated from Urwah ibn Az-Zubayr that he said, "Wadd, Yaghuts, Ya'uq, Suwa 'and Nasr are descendants of Adam. Wadd is the oldest and most obediently to Allaah. [HR Ibn Abu Hatim (At-Tafsir no. 18 996)].
Ibn Abu Hatim said, mentioned Yazid bin Al-Muhallab in the presence of Abu Ja'far Muhammad al-Baqir. Baqir said, "Surely he was killed in an area in which occurred worship other than Allah for the first time." Then ask him about Waddan, Al-Baqir said, "He is a Muslim man, deeply loved his people. When he died, they surround the grave and mourn there. Then came the devil saw this opportunity as tangible as a man, he said to them, 'I heard the lament of you, do you want me to describe her face so that you can be remembered?' They said, 'Yes, we will.' Then the devil was described. They also put the image in the assembly so that they are easy to remember. The devil went on deceit, 'Do you want me to make a statue until you can place it in your homes to be remembered?' They said, 'Yes, we will.' Then Satan himself create one for every homeowner an idol. "[Reported by Ibn Abu Hatim (At-Tafsir no. 18 997), within the narrators there is Abu Al-Muthahhir. Shaykh Al-Albani said that he was not well known and Ad-Daulabi not include them in Al-Kuna wa al-Asma '].
From here we can take a lesson that all of these idols worshiped by a group of people. With more and more passing of the times, the images also become idols that they personified berjasad order to seem more real then after that they worship idols and associating partners with Allah the Exalted, the method of worship they are very diverse.
"Worship God, Stay away from idols and Evil"
When Allaah sent Noah 'upon whom be peace, he called on his people to worship and worship to Allaah alone, not in others such as the worship of idols, and Evil. He called on his people Oneness of Allah, there is no god worthy of worship but Allah and there is no Rabb like Him. Allah the Exalted says:
ولقد بعثنا في كل أمة رسولا أن اعبدوا الله واجتنبوا الطاغوت فمنهم من هدى الله ومنهم من حقت عليه الضلالة فسيروا في الأرض فانظروا كيف كان عاقبة المكذبين
"And verily We sent Apostles on every nation (for a call):" Worship Allah (alone), and shun the Evil ", then among the people there were those who were given instructions by God and some of them people -those who have definitely straying him. Then you walk on the earth and see what was the end of those who denied (the apostles). "[Surah An-Nahl: 36].
Then word:
وما أرسلنا من قبلك من رسول إلا نوحي إليه أنه لا إله إلا أنا فاعبدون
"And We sent not a Messenger even before you but We revealed to him:" Behold, there is no God (the Truth) but I, so worship ye shall all I do. " [Surah Al-Anbiya ': 25].
Noah 'calling upon whom be peace and preach to his people in a variety of ways, noon, night, either covertly or overtly, sometimes with targhib (motivation), sometimes with tarhib (threat), all because he wanted a sentence in the upright Tauhid the earth, but never succeeded, even the majority of his people to remain in error and disbelief to continue to worship the statues and idols. The leaders of the people of Noah and the people who disbelieve even threatened Noah and threaten anyone who believed in Noah with stoning and expulsion. Allah the Exalted says:
قال الملأ من قومه إنا لنراك في ضلال مبين
قال يا قوم ليس بي ضلالة ولكني رسول من رب العالمين
"Chieftains of his people said:" Indeed, we see you are in manifest error ". He said: "O my people, there is no straying me in the slightest, but I am a messenger from the Lord of the Worlds". [Surah Al-A'raaf: 60-61]. Ibn Kathir said, the purpose of this paragraph is, I am not a heretic as you would have thought even I was on the right way, a messenger of Allah, the Lord of hosts.
But the people of Noah and his officials said to Noah as the word of Allah Ta'ala:
فقال الملأ الذين كفروا من قومه ما نراك إلا بشرا مثلنا وما نراك اتبعك إلا الذين هم أراذلنا بادي الرأي وما نرى لكم علينا من فضل بل نظنكم كاذبين
Then said leaders who disbelieved among his people: "We do not see you, but (as) a man (usually) like us, and we do not see people who followed you but those who abject among us who quickly just believe, and we do not see you have any merit above us, in fact we believe that you are the ones who lie ". [Surah Hud: 27]. Ibn Kathir said, the words of the people of Noah, "Yang quickly believe it," this is a reproach and an insult to the followers of Noah because they would just accept whatever is said Noah without debate and consideration. As for the words of disbelief to Noah's Ark and his followers was, "we do not see in you any advantages over us," the intention is not apparent excess of you (Noah and his followers) after you embraced Islam on us.
Noah said to them as Allah the Exalted:
قال يا قوم أرأيتم إن كنت على بينة من ربي وآتاني رحمة من عنده فعميت عليكم أنلزمكموها وأنتم لها كارهون
"O my people, what you think, if I was to have clear proof from my Lord and gave me the grace of his hand, but it is disguised mercy to you. What will we paksakankah you accept it when you not like it? "[Surah Hud: 28]. This is the attitude of gentle Noah 'upon whom be peace and propaganda methods polite to invite mankind to the path of truth. Still, his people do not want to hear his words, even they told Noah to evict followers composed of poor people and the poor if Noah still want to stay in the country. Noah said:
ويا قوم من ينصرني من الله إن طردتهم أفلا تذكرون
ولا أقول لكم عندي خزائن الله ولا أعلم الغيب ولا أقول إني ملك ولا أقول للذين تزدري أعينكم لن يؤتيهم الله خيرا الله أعلم بما في أنفسهم إني إذا لمن الظالمين
And (he said): "O my people, who will save me from (the punishment of) Allah if I drive them. Will ye not then take heed? "And I did not tell you (that):" I have warehouses sustenance and wealth from God, and I do not know the unseen and not (too) I say: "Behold, I am the angel ", and I also say to those who despised by eyesight:" Certainly Allah will not bring good to them ". Allah knows what is in themselves; the real me then actually includes those wrongdoers. "[Surah Hud: 30-31].
Noah is also a human being, then he does not know the things unseen, but the extent of the revealed God to him. And he would not testify that his followers composed of poor people that do not have good will but Allah knows them and they will be rewarded for what they do. Allah the Exalted says:
قالوا أنؤمن لك واتبعك الأرذلون
قال وما علمي بما كانوا يعملون
إن حسابهم إلا على ربي لو تشعرون
وما أنا بطارد المؤمنين
They said: "Are we going to believe in you, but who follow you are those who despised?" He said: "How do I know what they have done? Calculation (deeds) they are nothing but my Lord, if you are aware of. And I will never cast out those who believe. [Surah Ash-Shu'ara: 111-114].
The Noah Request Azab
Allah the Exalted says:
فلبث فيهم ألف سنة إلا خمسين عاما
"So he stayed among them a thousand years less fifty years." [Surah Al-Ankabut: 14]
Time passed, but the debate continues between Noah to his people who disbelieve. Along with this a long time (one thousand years less fifty years), no one believed in Noah 'Alahissalam but only a few people. Each one generation will be exhausted then they bequeath to the people who live afterwards to not believe in him, ordered to fight and deny it. Thus, the characteristics of Noah are a people who reject the truth and faith. They asked Noah to not extend rebuttal, therefore they requested brought doom if indeed he is truthful. Their words:
قالوا يا نوح قد جادلتنا فأكثرت جدالنا فأتنا بما تعدنا إن كنت من الصادقين
قال إنما يأتيكم به الله إن شاء وما أنتم بمعجزين
O Noah, thou has complained to us, and you have to extend bantahanmu against us, then bring us to our doom you ancamkan to us, if you are among those who really ". He said: "It is only God who will bring doom it to you if He wills, and you can never escape. [Surah Hud: 32-33].
Noah 'upon whom be peace sad because in the end his people still refused to believe in him and follow his teachings, even the unbelievers were asking to be brought doom. Allah Ta'ala said to Noah:
وأوحي إلى نوح أنه لن يؤمن من قومك إلا من قد آمن فلا تبتئس بما كانوا يفعلون
"And revealed to Noah, that never will believe thy people, except those who have faith (alone), therefore do not grieve about what they were doing." [Surah Hud: 36]. Allah Ta'ala entertaining Noah to his people that tell you that no one will believe, except those who are already faithful to him, therefore it is not appropriate that Noah grieved and disappointed because of the victory that had been promised is near, the time for arrival punishment indeed been asked his people.
God's revelation To Make Ark
Allah the Exalted says:
واصنع الفلك بأعيننا ووحينا ولا تخاطبني في الذين ظلموا إنهم مغرقون
And make the ark with the supervision and guidance of Our revelations, and do not talk with me about the people who did wrong; indeed they will be drowned. [Surah Hud: 37].
Noah 'upon whom be peace even pray to Allah Ta'ala:
قال رب إن قومي كذبون
فافتح بيني وبينهم فتحا ونجني ومن معي من المؤمنين
Noah said: "O my Lord, indeed my people have denied me; then that Thou a decision between me and between them, and save me and those believers with me ". [Surah Ash-Shu'ara: 117-118]. Then terhimpunlah errors of the Noah of which is kufr, wickedness and evil prayer dipanjatkan their Prophets and Messengers, therefore, Allah Almighty revealed to him to make an ark that is a very big ship because the punishment for his people will soon arrived. God told him that he need not give a damn anymore about what his people do because they've certainly never follow him.
Allah the Exalted says:
ويصنع الفلك وكلما مر عليه ملأ من قومه سخروا منه قال إن تسخروا منا فإنا نسخر منكم كما تسخرون
"And Noah began to make the ark. And every time the leader of his people walked through Noah, they mocked him. Noah said: "If you mock us, then indeed we (also) mock you as you all mock (us)." [Surah Hud: 38].
Then began he made the boat and of course his people mocked what he did this. There are only taunts and insults leveled by Noah to his people and they mock him that the punishment will not come because it is impossible. Noah was replying to ridicule them, "If you mock us, then indeed we (also) mock you as you all mock (us)," the point is we who are supposed to mock you and was surprised to you as a continuous in disbelief and antagonism which all it will bring doom. Some scholars Salaf said that when Allah Ta'ala mengijabah prayer of Noah, God ordered him to plant trees to be used as a boat. Then he was planting a tree and wait until a hundred years, then cut them down and merautnya the next hundred years. But there is an opinion that only 40 years old. God knows best.
Ibn Abbas argued that the length of the ark Noah is 1200 feet and the width of 600 feet. Some say 2000 feet and its width of 100 feet. But all argued height 30 cubits. The ark had three floors, the distance between each floor 10 feet, the ground floor for livestock and wildlife, the middle floor to the top floor to humans and birds. The door is on the front while the top of the vessel has a lid. God knows best.
Allah the Exalted says:
فإذا جاء أمرنا وفار التنور فاسلك فيها من كل زوجين اثنين وأهلك إلا من سبق عليه القول منهم ولا تخاطبني في الذين ظلموا إنهم مغرقون
"So when Our command came and tannur have emits water, then put them in the ark a pair of every (kind), and (also) family, except those that have already established (the punishment) among them. And do not talk with me about the people who are wrongdoers, because they would be drowned. "[Surah Al-Mu'minun: 27]. Allah Ta'ala commanded Noah to bring into the ark every animal pairs and all living things as well as all the food for their survival. In addition, he was also ordered to take along his family, "except those who had already been set (the punishment) among them," and unless the unbelievers, because it has to propaganda and proof to them. He did not have to think about them anymore because they're doomed to be received terrible punishment from Allah Almighty.
Scholarly found "At-Tanawwur" is the face of the earth, that is the earth that remove water from various directions until the fire emanated also from the inside. Ali bin Abi Talib said, At-Tanawwur is dawn / dawn and Tanwir Al-Fajr is the light of dawn that when the time came at dawn then take each pairing. This is the opinion gharib.
Some scholars narrated from Ibn Abbas that the most first entered Noah's ark is a bird Ad-Durrah (a type of parrot) and the most recent entry is animals and donkeys. The devil is also included with the belly hanging donkey [Reported by Ibn Jarir (Tafsir At-12/37); sanadnya consists of the transmitters dha'if].
Al-Haafiz Ibn Abu Hatim said, from Aslam, that he said, "When Noah brought the whole pair of two-two into the ark, his followers say, 'How do we feel comfortable -or how animals feel safe-while we live with lions . 'Then Allah Ta'ala provide the lion fever and it is the first fever that Allah sent down to earth. Then they complain of rats, 'Al-Fuwaisiqah spoil food and our stuff.' Then Allah revealed to lions, the lion sneezed and out came her cat, a rat was hiding from him. "[Reported by Ibn Abu Hatim (At-Tafsir no. 10 871 ); sanadnya contained in Abdullah bin Salih, clerks Layth, Saduq katsirul ghalath and Ibn Kathir says this hadith mursal].
The scholars differed regarding the number of passengers Noah's ark, among others:
- Ibn 'Abbas said that they numbered 80 people along with their wives.
- Ka'b Al-Ahbar they say there are 72 people.
- Some scholars say 10 people.
- Some of them say, Noah with his son who three and Kan'an which four were later drowned. But this contradicts the words of Zahir verse, because it was determined that participating in the ark are the people who believe.
Children of Noah amounted to 4 people, namely Ham, Sam, Yafits and Yaam that by scribes called Kan'an. Yaam or Kan'an this rebellious child to Noah who eventually drowned. And there are differences of opinion about the wife of Noah, it said he was among those who drowned and also includes previously said kufr. While scribes thought he took into the ark and pagan doom or suspended after him until the Day of Judgment. The first opinion is closer to the truth because according to the word of Allah Ta'ala:
وقال نوح رب لا تذر على الأرض من الكافرين ديارا
"Noah said:" O my Lord! Leave not one among the unbelievers that live on the earth. "[Surah Nuh: 26].
Tempers Azab God is Tornado and Flash Flood
Day and promised doom arrived. On that terrible day, the earth seemed to spit out what was in it, typhoons and flash floods are devastating, catastrophic to the unbelievers and their punishment waiting for. Indeed, the All-True God will be all His promises to win the believers who worship only Him alone as well as major accidents to people who menyekutukanNya. The scholars like Ibn Jarir has mentioned that hurricanes occurred on the 13th of the month Ab, on the count of Copts, as the word of Allah Ta'ala:
لنجعلها لكم تذكرة وتعيها أذن واعية
"So we make that event a warning to you and to the attention of a listening ear." [Surah Al-Haqqah: 12]
A group of commentators say, the tide onto the surface of the earth up to the mountains, 15 feet, and it is the opinion of the Book [Reported by Ibn Jarir (Tafsir At-29/54); Abdurrazzaq (no. 3306); and mentioned As-Suyuti (Ad-Duur Al-Mantsur 6/407)]. Some say up to 80 feet [HR Ibn Abu Hatim (At-Tafsir no. 1594)], until all the contents of the water covered the earth and there was no living thing left both small and large.
Allah the Exalted says:
وهي تجري بهم في موج كالجبال ونادى نوح ابنه وكان في معزل يا بني اركب معنا ولا تكن مع الكافرين
قال سآوي إلى جبل يعصمني من الماء قال لا عاصم اليوم من أمر الله إلا من رحم وحال بينهما الموج فكان من المغرقين
And the ark sailed bring them in waves like mountains. And Noah called his son was a child it was in far flung places: "O my son, come up (to the ship) with us and do not be with those who disbelieve." His son replied: "I will seek refuge to a mountain that can take care of me of the Flood! "He said:" There is no protection today from the punishment of Allah but Allah (alone), Most Merciful ". And wave a barrier between them; then so be it children, including those who drowned. "[Surah Hud: 42-43]
Noah's child is in the word of Allah Ta'ala is Yaam (Kan'an), brother Sam, Ham and Yafits. He infidels and do righteous deeds that do not. He opposed his father in religion and madzhabnya then he drowned and died while being not senasab with his father (ie the followers of Prophet Noah) survived precisely because they follow the religion of his father.
Valuable lessons:
Noah who was a Messenger of God, not the power to save his son from the disaster and doom, it gives a lesson to us that nasab someone even if he is a righteous descendant of the Prophet or Apostle, not at all useful if it is up to the judgment of God because that is reckoned by God Exalted is the good deeds a person. If he tauhid and many good deeds according to the teachings, then that is what will save it.
He 'upon whom be peace Lamak son named Noah, the son of Mattusylikh bin Khanuk -beliau was Prophet Idris' Alaihissalam- bin Yard bin Mahla'il bin Qainan bin Anusy son Adam Syits bin Abul Bechar' upon whom be peace. He was born 126 years after the death of Prophet Adam as mentioned Ibn Jarir Tabari and in others. Meanwhile, according to the history of the Book, the distance between the birth and death of Adam Noah was 146 years ie between the two separated 10 centuries.
This is corroborated by the hadith narrated by Al-Hafiz Ibn Hibbaan, from companions Abu Umamah, he said that a man asked the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam, "O Messenger, whether it includes a Prophet Adam?" He said, "Right." Laki- The man asked again, "What is the distance between Adam and Noah?" He said, "the 10th century."
Ibn Hibbaan said that according to the terms of this history of Imam Muslim, but he did not narrated. [HR Ibn Hibbaan no. 6190; Ath-Thabrani (Mu'jam Al-Kabir no. 5745); Shaykh al-Albani in Ash-Shahihah menshahihkannya no. 2668].
Besides, in Sahih Bukhari narrated from Ibn Abbas, he said, "Between Adam and Noah there within 10 centuries, all of them (religion) of Islam." [Ash-Shaykh Abdullah At-Turki, pentahqiq book says that he does not know the history of this in Saheeh Bukhari, but narrated by Ibn Jarir Tabari in Tafsir (29/99) of the Ikrimah]. If the century in question here is a hundred years, then the distance between them is thousand years but it can not be denied also that the distance is more than that based on what is said Ibn Abbas to include the word Islam in the history, that there may be a distance of a few centuries that they do not in a state of Islam but the hadeeth of Abu Umamah indicates that only limited to the 10th century.
Besides Ibn Abbas added that everything had embraced Islam. This then denied the words of historian and scribe that Cain and other fire worship. Thus, long-lived generations before Noah. God knows best.
Noah God Sent To The Pagan
Noah 'upon whom be peace sent by Allah Ta'ala upon humanity to worship idols and Evil. Additionally mankind ordered to error and disbelief, then Allah Almighty sent Prophet Noah as a form of mercy. He was a first apostle who was sent to earth as said by experts Mahsyar on the Day of Judgment [See Saheeh Muslim, Hadith no. 292, Book of Faith]. Noah is the name of Bani Rasib as the opinion of Ibn Jarir Tabari and others.
The scholars and historians disagree about the age keberapakah Noah was sent as an apostle, details as follows:
- Some argue, he was sent at the age of 50 years.
- Some argue at the age of 350 years.
- There is also a history that says he was sent at the age of 480 years. Various opinions are mentioned by Ibn Jarir and he leaned opinion as to Ibn Abbas.
Origin of Idolatry At The Noah
Allah the Exalted says:
لقد أرسلنا نوحا إلى قومه فقال يا قوم اعبدوا الله ما لكم من إله غيره إني أخاف عليكم عذاب يوم عظيم
قال الملأ من قومه إنا لنراك في ضلال مبين
قال يا قوم ليس بي ضلالة ولكني رسول من رب العالمين
أبلغكم رسالات ربي وأنصح لكم وأعلم من الله ما لا تعلمون
أوعجبتم أن جاءكم ذكر من ربكم على رجل منكم لينذركم ولتتقوا ولعلكم ترحمون
فكذبوه فأنجيناه والذين معه في الفلك وأغرقنا الذين كذبوا بآياتنا إنهم كانوا قوما عمين
"We sent Noah to his people and he said:" O my people! Worship Allah, occasionally there is no other god but Him. "Indeed (if you do not worship Allah), I fear for you the Penalty of a Great Day (of Judgment ). Chieftains of his people said: "Indeed, we see you are in manifest error". He said: "O my people, there is no straying me in the slightest, but I am a messenger from the Lord of the Worlds". "I convey to you the messages of my Lord and I advise you, and I know from Allah what you do not know". And if you (do not believe) and wonder that comes to you from your Lord by the mouth of warning a man of golonganmu that he gave a warning to you and hopefully you cautious and that ye may obtain mercy? So they rejected Noah, then we saved him and those with him in the ark, and We drowned those who belied Our verses. They are a people who are blind (his eyes). "[Surah Al-A'raaf: 59-64].
At the beginning already mentioned that the distance between Adam and Noah are 10 century, above all in Islam. Then after centuries it straight then there is a wide range of problems until the state of mankind at that time was changed to idolatry. As for why is like what is said by Allah Ta'ala:
وقالوا لا تذرن آلهتكم ولا تذرن ودا ولا سواعا ولا يغوث ويعوق ونسرا
"And they say:" Do not ever leave you (worship) gods and do you also not you ever leave the (worship) WADD, and do not also suwaa ', yaghuts, ya'uq and Nasr ". [Surah Nuh: 23]. Ibn Abbas interprets this verse that what is meant by this paragraph are the names of the righteous Noah 'upon whom be peace. Thus Imam Bukhari narrated from Ibn Jurayj road, from Atha '. [Bukhari no. 4566, The Book of Tafsir, Chapter Tafsir Surah Nuh: 23]
When the righteous people have died, the devil revealed to them to make their idols in the house of their usual place of worship and named by their names. So people did so, but the idols were not worshiped but after they all died and knowledge had been lost, there was the worship of idols by the people. Ibn Abbas said, idols that existed at the Noah is also there in the Arab nation jahiliyyah idols. Thus said Ikrimah, Adh-Dahhak, Qatadah and Ibn Ishaq.
Imam Ibn Abu Hatim narrated from Urwah ibn Az-Zubayr that he said, "Wadd, Yaghuts, Ya'uq, Suwa 'and Nasr are descendants of Adam. Wadd is the oldest and most obediently to Allaah. [HR Ibn Abu Hatim (At-Tafsir no. 18 996)].
Ibn Abu Hatim said, mentioned Yazid bin Al-Muhallab in the presence of Abu Ja'far Muhammad al-Baqir. Baqir said, "Surely he was killed in an area in which occurred worship other than Allah for the first time." Then ask him about Waddan, Al-Baqir said, "He is a Muslim man, deeply loved his people. When he died, they surround the grave and mourn there. Then came the devil saw this opportunity as tangible as a man, he said to them, 'I heard the lament of you, do you want me to describe her face so that you can be remembered?' They said, 'Yes, we will.' Then the devil was described. They also put the image in the assembly so that they are easy to remember. The devil went on deceit, 'Do you want me to make a statue until you can place it in your homes to be remembered?' They said, 'Yes, we will.' Then Satan himself create one for every homeowner an idol. "[Reported by Ibn Abu Hatim (At-Tafsir no. 18 997), within the narrators there is Abu Al-Muthahhir. Shaykh Al-Albani said that he was not well known and Ad-Daulabi not include them in Al-Kuna wa al-Asma '].
From here we can take a lesson that all of these idols worshiped by a group of people. With more and more passing of the times, the images also become idols that they personified berjasad order to seem more real then after that they worship idols and associating partners with Allah the Exalted, the method of worship they are very diverse.
"Worship God, Stay away from idols and Evil"
When Allaah sent Noah 'upon whom be peace, he called on his people to worship and worship to Allaah alone, not in others such as the worship of idols, and Evil. He called on his people Oneness of Allah, there is no god worthy of worship but Allah and there is no Rabb like Him. Allah the Exalted says:
ولقد بعثنا في كل أمة رسولا أن اعبدوا الله واجتنبوا الطاغوت فمنهم من هدى الله ومنهم من حقت عليه الضلالة فسيروا في الأرض فانظروا كيف كان عاقبة المكذبين
"And verily We sent Apostles on every nation (for a call):" Worship Allah (alone), and shun the Evil ", then among the people there were those who were given instructions by God and some of them people -those who have definitely straying him. Then you walk on the earth and see what was the end of those who denied (the apostles). "[Surah An-Nahl: 36].
Then word:
وما أرسلنا من قبلك من رسول إلا نوحي إليه أنه لا إله إلا أنا فاعبدون
"And We sent not a Messenger even before you but We revealed to him:" Behold, there is no God (the Truth) but I, so worship ye shall all I do. " [Surah Al-Anbiya ': 25].
Noah 'calling upon whom be peace and preach to his people in a variety of ways, noon, night, either covertly or overtly, sometimes with targhib (motivation), sometimes with tarhib (threat), all because he wanted a sentence in the upright Tauhid the earth, but never succeeded, even the majority of his people to remain in error and disbelief to continue to worship the statues and idols. The leaders of the people of Noah and the people who disbelieve even threatened Noah and threaten anyone who believed in Noah with stoning and expulsion. Allah the Exalted says:
قال الملأ من قومه إنا لنراك في ضلال مبين
قال يا قوم ليس بي ضلالة ولكني رسول من رب العالمين
"Chieftains of his people said:" Indeed, we see you are in manifest error ". He said: "O my people, there is no straying me in the slightest, but I am a messenger from the Lord of the Worlds". [Surah Al-A'raaf: 60-61]. Ibn Kathir said, the purpose of this paragraph is, I am not a heretic as you would have thought even I was on the right way, a messenger of Allah, the Lord of hosts.
But the people of Noah and his officials said to Noah as the word of Allah Ta'ala:
فقال الملأ الذين كفروا من قومه ما نراك إلا بشرا مثلنا وما نراك اتبعك إلا الذين هم أراذلنا بادي الرأي وما نرى لكم علينا من فضل بل نظنكم كاذبين
Then said leaders who disbelieved among his people: "We do not see you, but (as) a man (usually) like us, and we do not see people who followed you but those who abject among us who quickly just believe, and we do not see you have any merit above us, in fact we believe that you are the ones who lie ". [Surah Hud: 27]. Ibn Kathir said, the words of the people of Noah, "Yang quickly believe it," this is a reproach and an insult to the followers of Noah because they would just accept whatever is said Noah without debate and consideration. As for the words of disbelief to Noah's Ark and his followers was, "we do not see in you any advantages over us," the intention is not apparent excess of you (Noah and his followers) after you embraced Islam on us.
Noah said to them as Allah the Exalted:
قال يا قوم أرأيتم إن كنت على بينة من ربي وآتاني رحمة من عنده فعميت عليكم أنلزمكموها وأنتم لها كارهون
"O my people, what you think, if I was to have clear proof from my Lord and gave me the grace of his hand, but it is disguised mercy to you. What will we paksakankah you accept it when you not like it? "[Surah Hud: 28]. This is the attitude of gentle Noah 'upon whom be peace and propaganda methods polite to invite mankind to the path of truth. Still, his people do not want to hear his words, even they told Noah to evict followers composed of poor people and the poor if Noah still want to stay in the country. Noah said:
ويا قوم من ينصرني من الله إن طردتهم أفلا تذكرون
ولا أقول لكم عندي خزائن الله ولا أعلم الغيب ولا أقول إني ملك ولا أقول للذين تزدري أعينكم لن يؤتيهم الله خيرا الله أعلم بما في أنفسهم إني إذا لمن الظالمين
And (he said): "O my people, who will save me from (the punishment of) Allah if I drive them. Will ye not then take heed? "And I did not tell you (that):" I have warehouses sustenance and wealth from God, and I do not know the unseen and not (too) I say: "Behold, I am the angel ", and I also say to those who despised by eyesight:" Certainly Allah will not bring good to them ". Allah knows what is in themselves; the real me then actually includes those wrongdoers. "[Surah Hud: 30-31].
Noah is also a human being, then he does not know the things unseen, but the extent of the revealed God to him. And he would not testify that his followers composed of poor people that do not have good will but Allah knows them and they will be rewarded for what they do. Allah the Exalted says:
قالوا أنؤمن لك واتبعك الأرذلون
قال وما علمي بما كانوا يعملون
إن حسابهم إلا على ربي لو تشعرون
وما أنا بطارد المؤمنين
They said: "Are we going to believe in you, but who follow you are those who despised?" He said: "How do I know what they have done? Calculation (deeds) they are nothing but my Lord, if you are aware of. And I will never cast out those who believe. [Surah Ash-Shu'ara: 111-114].
The Noah Request Azab
Allah the Exalted says:
فلبث فيهم ألف سنة إلا خمسين عاما
"So he stayed among them a thousand years less fifty years." [Surah Al-Ankabut: 14]
Time passed, but the debate continues between Noah to his people who disbelieve. Along with this a long time (one thousand years less fifty years), no one believed in Noah 'Alahissalam but only a few people. Each one generation will be exhausted then they bequeath to the people who live afterwards to not believe in him, ordered to fight and deny it. Thus, the characteristics of Noah are a people who reject the truth and faith. They asked Noah to not extend rebuttal, therefore they requested brought doom if indeed he is truthful. Their words:
قالوا يا نوح قد جادلتنا فأكثرت جدالنا فأتنا بما تعدنا إن كنت من الصادقين
قال إنما يأتيكم به الله إن شاء وما أنتم بمعجزين
O Noah, thou has complained to us, and you have to extend bantahanmu against us, then bring us to our doom you ancamkan to us, if you are among those who really ". He said: "It is only God who will bring doom it to you if He wills, and you can never escape. [Surah Hud: 32-33].
Noah 'upon whom be peace sad because in the end his people still refused to believe in him and follow his teachings, even the unbelievers were asking to be brought doom. Allah Ta'ala said to Noah:
وأوحي إلى نوح أنه لن يؤمن من قومك إلا من قد آمن فلا تبتئس بما كانوا يفعلون
"And revealed to Noah, that never will believe thy people, except those who have faith (alone), therefore do not grieve about what they were doing." [Surah Hud: 36]. Allah Ta'ala entertaining Noah to his people that tell you that no one will believe, except those who are already faithful to him, therefore it is not appropriate that Noah grieved and disappointed because of the victory that had been promised is near, the time for arrival punishment indeed been asked his people.
God's revelation To Make Ark
Allah the Exalted says:
واصنع الفلك بأعيننا ووحينا ولا تخاطبني في الذين ظلموا إنهم مغرقون
And make the ark with the supervision and guidance of Our revelations, and do not talk with me about the people who did wrong; indeed they will be drowned. [Surah Hud: 37].
Noah 'upon whom be peace even pray to Allah Ta'ala:
قال رب إن قومي كذبون
فافتح بيني وبينهم فتحا ونجني ومن معي من المؤمنين
Noah said: "O my Lord, indeed my people have denied me; then that Thou a decision between me and between them, and save me and those believers with me ". [Surah Ash-Shu'ara: 117-118]. Then terhimpunlah errors of the Noah of which is kufr, wickedness and evil prayer dipanjatkan their Prophets and Messengers, therefore, Allah Almighty revealed to him to make an ark that is a very big ship because the punishment for his people will soon arrived. God told him that he need not give a damn anymore about what his people do because they've certainly never follow him.
Allah the Exalted says:
ويصنع الفلك وكلما مر عليه ملأ من قومه سخروا منه قال إن تسخروا منا فإنا نسخر منكم كما تسخرون
"And Noah began to make the ark. And every time the leader of his people walked through Noah, they mocked him. Noah said: "If you mock us, then indeed we (also) mock you as you all mock (us)." [Surah Hud: 38].
Then began he made the boat and of course his people mocked what he did this. There are only taunts and insults leveled by Noah to his people and they mock him that the punishment will not come because it is impossible. Noah was replying to ridicule them, "If you mock us, then indeed we (also) mock you as you all mock (us)," the point is we who are supposed to mock you and was surprised to you as a continuous in disbelief and antagonism which all it will bring doom. Some scholars Salaf said that when Allah Ta'ala mengijabah prayer of Noah, God ordered him to plant trees to be used as a boat. Then he was planting a tree and wait until a hundred years, then cut them down and merautnya the next hundred years. But there is an opinion that only 40 years old. God knows best.
Ibn Abbas argued that the length of the ark Noah is 1200 feet and the width of 600 feet. Some say 2000 feet and its width of 100 feet. But all argued height 30 cubits. The ark had three floors, the distance between each floor 10 feet, the ground floor for livestock and wildlife, the middle floor to the top floor to humans and birds. The door is on the front while the top of the vessel has a lid. God knows best.
Allah the Exalted says:
فإذا جاء أمرنا وفار التنور فاسلك فيها من كل زوجين اثنين وأهلك إلا من سبق عليه القول منهم ولا تخاطبني في الذين ظلموا إنهم مغرقون
"So when Our command came and tannur have emits water, then put them in the ark a pair of every (kind), and (also) family, except those that have already established (the punishment) among them. And do not talk with me about the people who are wrongdoers, because they would be drowned. "[Surah Al-Mu'minun: 27]. Allah Ta'ala commanded Noah to bring into the ark every animal pairs and all living things as well as all the food for their survival. In addition, he was also ordered to take along his family, "except those who had already been set (the punishment) among them," and unless the unbelievers, because it has to propaganda and proof to them. He did not have to think about them anymore because they're doomed to be received terrible punishment from Allah Almighty.
Scholarly found "At-Tanawwur" is the face of the earth, that is the earth that remove water from various directions until the fire emanated also from the inside. Ali bin Abi Talib said, At-Tanawwur is dawn / dawn and Tanwir Al-Fajr is the light of dawn that when the time came at dawn then take each pairing. This is the opinion gharib.
Some scholars narrated from Ibn Abbas that the most first entered Noah's ark is a bird Ad-Durrah (a type of parrot) and the most recent entry is animals and donkeys. The devil is also included with the belly hanging donkey [Reported by Ibn Jarir (Tafsir At-12/37); sanadnya consists of the transmitters dha'if].
Al-Haafiz Ibn Abu Hatim said, from Aslam, that he said, "When Noah brought the whole pair of two-two into the ark, his followers say, 'How do we feel comfortable -or how animals feel safe-while we live with lions . 'Then Allah Ta'ala provide the lion fever and it is the first fever that Allah sent down to earth. Then they complain of rats, 'Al-Fuwaisiqah spoil food and our stuff.' Then Allah revealed to lions, the lion sneezed and out came her cat, a rat was hiding from him. "[Reported by Ibn Abu Hatim (At-Tafsir no. 10 871 ); sanadnya contained in Abdullah bin Salih, clerks Layth, Saduq katsirul ghalath and Ibn Kathir says this hadith mursal].
The scholars differed regarding the number of passengers Noah's ark, among others:
- Ibn 'Abbas said that they numbered 80 people along with their wives.
- Ka'b Al-Ahbar they say there are 72 people.
- Some scholars say 10 people.
- Some of them say, Noah with his son who three and Kan'an which four were later drowned. But this contradicts the words of Zahir verse, because it was determined that participating in the ark are the people who believe.
Children of Noah amounted to 4 people, namely Ham, Sam, Yafits and Yaam that by scribes called Kan'an. Yaam or Kan'an this rebellious child to Noah who eventually drowned. And there are differences of opinion about the wife of Noah, it said he was among those who drowned and also includes previously said kufr. While scribes thought he took into the ark and pagan doom or suspended after him until the Day of Judgment. The first opinion is closer to the truth because according to the word of Allah Ta'ala:
وقال نوح رب لا تذر على الأرض من الكافرين ديارا
"Noah said:" O my Lord! Leave not one among the unbelievers that live on the earth. "[Surah Nuh: 26].
Tempers Azab God is Tornado and Flash Flood
Day and promised doom arrived. On that terrible day, the earth seemed to spit out what was in it, typhoons and flash floods are devastating, catastrophic to the unbelievers and their punishment waiting for. Indeed, the All-True God will be all His promises to win the believers who worship only Him alone as well as major accidents to people who menyekutukanNya. The scholars like Ibn Jarir has mentioned that hurricanes occurred on the 13th of the month Ab, on the count of Copts, as the word of Allah Ta'ala:
لنجعلها لكم تذكرة وتعيها أذن واعية
"So we make that event a warning to you and to the attention of a listening ear." [Surah Al-Haqqah: 12]
A group of commentators say, the tide onto the surface of the earth up to the mountains, 15 feet, and it is the opinion of the Book [Reported by Ibn Jarir (Tafsir At-29/54); Abdurrazzaq (no. 3306); and mentioned As-Suyuti (Ad-Duur Al-Mantsur 6/407)]. Some say up to 80 feet [HR Ibn Abu Hatim (At-Tafsir no. 1594)], until all the contents of the water covered the earth and there was no living thing left both small and large.
Allah the Exalted says:
وهي تجري بهم في موج كالجبال ونادى نوح ابنه وكان في معزل يا بني اركب معنا ولا تكن مع الكافرين
قال سآوي إلى جبل يعصمني من الماء قال لا عاصم اليوم من أمر الله إلا من رحم وحال بينهما الموج فكان من المغرقين
And the ark sailed bring them in waves like mountains. And Noah called his son was a child it was in far flung places: "O my son, come up (to the ship) with us and do not be with those who disbelieve." His son replied: "I will seek refuge to a mountain that can take care of me of the Flood! "He said:" There is no protection today from the punishment of Allah but Allah (alone), Most Merciful ". And wave a barrier between them; then so be it children, including those who drowned. "[Surah Hud: 42-43]
Noah's child is in the word of Allah Ta'ala is Yaam (Kan'an), brother Sam, Ham and Yafits. He infidels and do righteous deeds that do not. He opposed his father in religion and madzhabnya then he drowned and died while being not senasab with his father (ie the followers of Prophet Noah) survived precisely because they follow the religion of his father.
Valuable lessons:
Noah who was a Messenger of God, not the power to save his son from the disaster and doom, it gives a lesson to us that nasab someone even if he is a righteous descendant of the Prophet or Apostle, not at all useful if it is up to the judgment of God because that is reckoned by God Exalted is the good deeds a person. If he tauhid and many good deeds according to the teachings, then that is what will save it.
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